

Is universe bigger than space

Updated: 3/10/2022
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Arjun Bednar

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Q: Is universe bigger than space
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Is the galaxy bigger than the universe and the solar system?

The word "universe" means "all space, all time, and everything in them". It's the concept that includes everything, and bigger than which nothing is.

Is a planet bigger or a universe?

A universe is bigger than a planet.

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A universe is bigger than an organism.

Which is bigger space or universe?

It would be the universe since the universe refers to the whole world!

Is the Milky Way bigger than space?

No the Milky Way is only a galaxy in space (the Universe) and is very small indeed by comparison.

What is bigger university or planet?

A planet is bigger than a university. You probably meant a universe and a universe is bigger than a planet.

Is miss world is bigger than miss universe?

no because the world isn't bigger than the universe.

What is bigger than a galaxy?

Our Universe is bigger, than a galaxy.

Is Aaron bigger than the sun?

Yes he is bigger than the universe

Is an asteroid bigger than a universe?

No. The universe is everything that exists.

Is the Andromeda Galaxy Bigger Than A Universe?

That is impossible. A universe, whether infinite or finite is still vastly bigger than a galaxy.

What percentage of the universe is blocked from earth's view by the milkyway and other objects and galaxies?

Roughly about 20%-40% of the observable universe is blocked from Earth's view by the Milky Way and other objects including galaxies. This is because the Milky Way galaxy itself occupies a significant portion of our observable sky, obstructing our view of distant regions of the cosmos.