

Is uranium a cause of lung cancer?

Updated: 3/1/2020
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14y ago

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Yes, uranium powders and aerosols are possible causes of lung cancer.

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Q: Is uranium a cause of lung cancer?
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What are the medical uses of uranium?

Uranium is not used to fight against cancer !Inhalation of fine powders of uranium or uranium compounds may be a cause of lung cancers.

Can uranium cause disease?

Uranium is radioactive, and does emit ionizing radiation, but at lower levels than, say, potassium. Uranium aerosols (gas-solid and liquid-gas) inhaled can cause lung cancer due to irradiation with alpha radiation. Mixed associations as to any particular form of cancer from uranium, but its daughter product radon is well known. See link below.

Can uranium cause nasal cancer?

It could if you snorted yellowcake or uranium machining dust. Another way it might is if you had been in an area where depleted uranium antitank shells had been fired. But lung cancer is probably more likely for any of these cases than nasal cancer.

What could cause lung cancer?

Smoking is one cause of lung cancer.

What is a major cause of lung cancer?

Lung Cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths in women.

Why is breathing uranium compound dangerous?

The alpha radiation of uranium and radon (evolved from uranium) can destroy the pulmonary alveoli inducing a lung cancer.

What happens when you inhale uranium?

Deposits of uranium or uranium compounds in the lungs are very dangerous due to alpha particle radiation. The lung cancer is a long term effect.

What sort of cancer can tar cause?

Lung cancer.

What kind of cancer does somking cause?

Some times it can cause lung cancer

How can it be that some people get lung cancer who havnet smoked?

Smoking is not the only cause of lung cancer.

What is the cause of lung cancer?


Do more people die from skin cancer or lung cancer?

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in people with cancer. People normally die from smoking then getting lung cancer.