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Q: Is used between two smooth true surfaces not on thin flexable flanges?
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Why is friction least effected by smooth surfaces?

Smooth vs. Rough surfaces. Rough surfaces have more surface area than smooth surfaces. This means that there are increased incidences of molecular reactions between the surface and object

Is it possible for the frictional force between two surfaces that are extremely smooth and flat to increase?

Yes the application of a load normal to the plane of the smooth flat surfaces will increase the friction between the surfaces.

Does a smooth surface reduce friction?

There is more friction between the surfaces of 2 smooth surfaces than one smooth surface because there is more surface area.

What produces more heat rough surface and a smooth or surface two smooth surfaces or two rough surfaces or two surfaces with oil between them?

two rough ones - there will be more friction xx

Is the amount of friction greater between rough surfaces or smooth and Why?

Rough surfaces, the rougher the surface, the greater the friction.

Is the amount of friction greater between rough surfaces smooth?

smooth surfaces have less friction, take an ice rink for example, the resistance on that is less than the resistance on asphalt

What causes friction between two seemingly smooth surfaces?

Tiny collisions on the surfaces, called microwelds, cause friction.

Is the amount of friction greater between rough surfaces or or smooth surfaces?

rough surfaces because it has more bumps that stop it from moving faster

What is the difference between emitting and reflecting?

reflected light comes from smooth surfaces such as mirrors

Why does light reflect better off of smooth surfaces than rough surfaces?

smooth surface

Is the amount of friction greater between rough surfaces or smooth surfaces why?

Rough because it takes longer to slide and gets more friction

What type of surfaces have little friction?

smooth surfaces