

Best Answer

no it is not a benzo. go on and look it up for further info. gl

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Q: Is vestoril a benzodiazapine
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Will all benzodiazepines show up th same on a drug test?

any benzodiazapine will show... positive for benzodiazapine

What is clonapine?

Benzodiazapine. Used for anxiety.

What are the symptoms of benzodiazapine and barbiturate use?

Benzodiazapine and barbiturate users may appear sleepy and slowed, with slurred speech, small pupils, and occasional confusion.

Is Prozac a benzodiazapine?

No, It is a SSRI. Benzo's are xanax and ativan.

Would Cymbalta show up as benzo?

No it is not a Benzodiazapine.

Will Klonopin show as an opiate on hair drug test?

no- as a benzodiazapine

What is benzodiazapine?

It is something that is not a benzodiazapine. Benzodiazapine is a class of drugs that are used to relax and help symptoms of anxiety and sleeplessness. Obviously there are many more classes of drugs than these too numerous to mention. There are great web sites out there to look drugs up on. an example of a "benzo" is Klonopin, or the generic is clonazepam. They can be a very addictive class of drugs for some people.

Is prescribed Benzodiazapine acceptable on a drug test?

As long as you can prove that you have a prescription for it you will be fine:)

Benzodiazapine detection time 14mg detection time one use?

72 Hours

Is klonipin a barbiturate?

NO-- it's a benzodiazapine-- used for sedation and's prescribed for nerves and seizures

Can nursing mothers take a Xanax?

NO! Xanax is a benzodiazapine, which is secreted through breast milk. They can be especially harmful to a baby.

Will soma show on a drug test?

i dont no its all trippy cuz it has the same thing as a benzodiazapine but its a mucsle relaxer.