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Q: Is vice president an elected official?
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Related questions

What is the second -highest elected official?

vice president

What elected official is the president ofthe senate?

The vice president is the president of the senate.

Which elected official acts as president of the senate?

The vice president. When the office of vice president is vacant it is the president pro tempore.

Which elected official serves in more than one branch of government?

Vice president

Who is the president elected with?

vice president

Who official elects the president and vice president?

They are elected by members of the Electoral College. Each state has a given number of Electors, based on their population. The Electors actually cast their votes for the president/ Vice President.

How are vice usually selected?

The vice president is elected with the president

How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.

Who was elected as first vice president of the unided states?

John Adams was the 1st vice president elected.

Who was elected vice president of 1884?

Thomas A. Hendricks, Democrat from Indiana, was elected vice-president in 1884.

How is the vice president elected?

He is elected in conjunction with the person running as president .

What year was john adams elected vice president?

Adams was elected in 1787 to be the first US vice president.