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Yes. The chemical name is hydrocodone. Vicodin is a manufacturer's brand name.

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Q: Is vicodin a brand name
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Will all vicodin pills have the word vicodin on it?

I work at a pharmacy, and we almost never dispense brand name Vicodin unless specified by the doctor or the patient. So, unless you get brand name Vicodin, it won't say Vicodin on the tablets and depending on the manufacturer that the pharmacy is contracted with, the tablets will be a different color and have different imprints on them from one pharmacy to another. Brand name Vicodin will always have Vicodin written on the tablet. Hope this helps.

Is codeine in norco?

Yes; Norco is a brand name for the combination of the drugs acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Another common brand name is Vicodin. Hydrocodone is similar to codeine.

Is Vicodin the same as Hydrocodone?

The opioid analgesic ingredient in Vicodin is Hydrocodone. Vicodin is a brand name of a medication containing both hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is an ingredient in Vicodin which is a "trademarked" name. Vicodin has Hydrocodone in it. Vicodin is a combination of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen so no Hydrocodone is only one of the two drugs that is in Vicodin.

Which is better Vicodin or hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone is the generic for vicodin. Works just as good, and cheaper.

What is hydrocodone-acetaminophen generic for?

Hydrocodone is the generic name, Vicodin and Loratab are more "brand names" of it.

What would Vicodin be marketed as in Mexico?

It is available under the same brand names available in the U.S. ie Vicodin, Watson, Malliinkrodt etc. Vicodin is just a brand name containing the same chemical makeup as Watsons and Mallinkrodt. Mexico imports many of its medications from the large U.S. drug companies.

What is the difference between hydrocondone and roxicondone?

Hydrocodone is (Vicodin)Oxycodone is (Roxicodone)The names in the parentheses is the brand name of the drugs.

What does the medical term NORCO mean?

Norco is a brand name for a combination pill with hydrocodone and acetaminophen, similar to Vicodin.

What does vicatine do to you?

It's called Vicodin, which is a brand for hydrocodone, an analgesic.

Is Vicodin over the counter in the Philippines?

What is the brand names of hydrocodone

What is the difference between oxycodone and vicotine?

Vicodin* is a brand name for hydrocodone, which is different than oxycodone. The two are quite similar as they are both derived from codeine. Oxycodone however is about 50% stronger than hydrocodone (vicodin).

Is hydrocodone Vicodin?

Yes. Hydrocodone is the generic name for Vicodin