

Is video games for guys or girls?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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They are for both. It's not like there's a huge NO GIRLS on the video game packages

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12y ago
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Q: Is video games for guys or girls?
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Are video games for boys only?

No girls can definitely play video games! Some are designed for girls!

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There are many fun decorating games for girls. Among them are video games on the website Girls Go Games, video games on the website Cool Games, and on the website Games 2 Girls.

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Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )

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Some girls may find this to be nerdy; however several girls do not find it nerdy as well. It all truly just depends on the girl.

Does a guy like a girl who plays video games and sports?

Sure! Some do. However that would be like asking do girls like smart guys. Some do, some don't. It isn't one of those all or nothing situations. You need to keep in mind that although some guys like girls who play video games and sports, some like girly girls. Like I am not a really a tom boy but i am not really a girly girl and shure i play video games and i put on make up but i mean if he doesn't like u cuz u play video games the he has mass problems

Do guys like girls who play video games?

Coming from a gurl in my opinion yes video games rock. My bf luvs video games and i mean i not going to hate him cuz he plays them i mean if a gurl doesn't find tht attractive then she might not like u much but if she likes a lot of other things about u but wont date u cuz of the video she has issues

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in video games arrows

Why do boys like video games more than girls?

"Society has made the image that video games are for men, so women usually don't play them, so yes, men do tend to play video games more then women." Such an answer is overly simplistic. Women from the ages between 25 and 34 do tend to play more video games than men.