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Usually it is cheaper because you are going to students of the school, not a certified dentist. The students are overseen by a dentist but you are very much a practice person for the students.

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Q: Is visiting a university to have your dental work preformed cheaper then visiting a dentist?
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A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their physical or mental impairments or challenges. Dr. Hemal/ Dr. Sourabh Public Health Dentist.

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maintanence of good oral hygene, healthy food habit and visiting dentist once in 6 month will help

Must you get treatment from the dentist?

Treatment and regular cleaning and check up must be done with a licensed dentist. It has been said that toothache is one of the pain that men cannot completely ignore or endure so visiting your dentist for a regular check up is a must to avoid having bad teeth at old age.