

Is volume a kind of quantitive data?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes, volume is a kind of quantitative data.

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Q: Is volume a kind of quantitive data?
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"Quantitive management theory,for my opinion this is a kind of work that can equal the time or that he o her have."

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quantitive is not a word. PS can you please recommend me?

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A quantitative observation means to measure the amount of something. Meaning you would use things like a triple beam balance, graduated cylinder, or a mass scale a ruler, anything that will give you data in numbers not qualitative like color or murkiness of water. So 25 grams not it has a reddish tint to it.

What is an example of quantitative and qualitative data?

An example of qualitative data is asking a small, select, group of engineering students whether they know how to work an AutoCAD system, then get them to show you. Quantitive is pretty much the opposite, a large group of non-engineering students the same question. The biggest difference is the quality (how informed they are) the group of people questioned are.

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I have no idea how to use the word quantitive in a sentence. oh wait nvm i just did :P

What is quantitive data?

Quantitative data is collective data that can be measured by numbers and qualitative is data that is are words and cannot be divided by numbers.This is true. Here is a more precise answer:Quantitative data can be classified as continuous or numerical.Continuous data could for example: time, weight, age etc...Numerical would be zip codes of a given area, phone numbers in a telephone book etc...

What are discrete quantitive data?

First let's look at what quantitative data is.Quantitative data are numeric.Discrete data are numeric data that have a finite number of possible values.So it is numerical data that can only have a finite number of possible values.One often used example of discrete quantitative data is the number 1,2 3, and 4 corresponding to strongly agree, agree, neutral, and don't agree,