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No washing your hair frequently can take you hairs natural oils and you hair just wont grow at all if you want it to grow you can use plasmium gel it grew my hair 6 inches in just 4 months my hair was originaly 3 inches long. buy plasmium gel, let it sit on your scalp for about 7 minutes take it off and condition your hair with a shampoo called jojoba and also use the jojoba conditioner too. you can purchase this online @ do this for about 2-3 months every two weeks you should see results quickly. if this doesnt work try laser combs my sisters husband used it and his hair grew back 4 inches! (he was bald)

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Q: Is washing your hair everyday make it grow faster?
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I just got my hair cut and I don't like it any ways to make it grow faster?

well you could eat healthy foods everyday. drink 8 glasses of water everyday. take vitamins.(i don't know what kind). exercise. and try washing your hair with lemon juice.

What can you buy at wal-mart to make your hair grow faster?

Hair doesn't "grow faster" the best you can hope for is to make it healthier by washing it and brushing it 100x a day, and trimming the ends every couple weeks.

Washing your hair with soap make it grow faster?

Nothing you can to to the outside of your head will make your hair grow faster since the root is in the scalp. Soap will simply dry your hair out and possibly even make it get so dry and brittle that it breaks.

What do put in your hair to make it grow?

Putting your hair in a bun can help your hair grow faster. If you put in a bun everyday, it may help it grow a little more than half an inch each month.

How many inches will your hair grow if you wash it once a week?

Hair grows on an average of 1/2 to 1 inch a month. Washing it will not make it grow faster. Each person is unique and their hair will grow at different speeds.

How do you grow your hair out faster?

Hair will grow faster if you trim the ends.

Why does head hair grow faster if you put your head upside down for 20-30 seconds every day?

yes it does my hair grows faster because i do that everyday in the morning and night

Does washing your hair with cold water make it grow faster?

I heard it did but when I researched it I found out that it doesn't but it makes your hair shiny. Your hair grows 1/2 in per month

Is it true that if you don't wash your hair every day it will grow longer?

they say that if you wash it everyday itll dry it out because your washing out all your natural oils so if you do it like everyother day it should be healthier and grow faster/longer ... now im not saying dont wash your hair for a week and itll grow long ... just do everyother day

Is washing hair daily healthy?

No, it isn't. By washing your hair everyday, you're getting rid of your hair's natural oils that keep it healthy.

Does taking frequent showers make your HAIR grow faster?

No, wash your hair every other day, washing it to much just strips out the natural oils which you need for healthy hair ..

How can you get your to grow longer on the sides and the back of your head?

To get your hair to grow longer on the sides and the back of your head, you need to properly take care of it. Don't wash your hair everyday because by washing it you strip essential oils from your scalp.