

Is water a mechanical or electromagnetic wave?

Updated: 4/21/2022
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Q: Is water a mechanical or electromagnetic wave?
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Is water a mechanical wave or an electromagnetic wave?

Water is not a wave but a substance!

Which of the following is not a mechanical wave' a transverse a longitudinal or a electromagnetic?

An electromagnetic wave is not a mechanical wave.

Is water waves a electromagnetic wave?

No, water waves are mechanical waves that result from the movement of water molecules. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, are waves of energy that do not require a medium to travel through and include light, radio waves, and microwaves.

Is firelight a electromagnetic or mechanical wave?

Firelight is an electromagnetic wave. It consists of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that includes visible light.

is An electromagnetic wave is a mechanical wave/true or false?

True, because mechanical waves require a medium for propagation.

Is An electromagnetic wave is a mechanical wave?

No, an electromagnetic wave is not a mechanical wave. Mechanical waves require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to transfer energy, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum as they are made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

Is a water wave an electromagnetic wave?

No, eletromagnetic waves propagate in two planes (eletro-magnetic) and can propagate in a vacuum. Water waves, on the other hand, are dependant on matter to transfer energy, making it a mechanical wave, not an eletromagnetic one.

Is a gamma wave a mechanical wave?

No, a gamma wave is not a mechanical wave. Gamma waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with very high frequency and energy. They are often associated with nuclear reactions and subatomic particles.

Was the Kashmir earthquake caused by a mechanical wave or electromagnetic wave?

A mechanical wave.

Is radio wave is a mechanical wave?

No, radio waves are not mechanical waves. They are a type of electromagnetic wave that do not require a medium (such as air or water) for propagation. Mechanical waves, on the other hand, require a medium to travel through.

How do you know the wave is a mechanical wave?

A wave is considered a mechanical wave if it requires a medium to propagate, such as sound waves or water waves. Mechanical waves transfer energy through the medium by causing particles in the medium to vibrate. This is in contrast to electromagnetic waves, which can travel through a vacuum.

Is a lightwave a mechanical wave?

No. A light wave is a transverse electromagnetic wave.