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Ride an elevator and your weight changes, but your mass remains constant.

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Q: Is weight changeable property compared to mass?
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Related questions

How mass and weight similar?

Mass is an intrinsic property of matter. Weight is the apparent weight of a mass under a particular acceleration.

Is weight a physical or chemical property?

Weight (or mass) is considered a physical property

What property of matter is measuring matter?

The property of matter that is measured in grams is mass. Mass is different from weight in that it accounts for the gravitational forces that increase the weight of an object.

What is mass responsible for?

Mass is the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field.

Is a mass or weight determined by gravity?

[ Mass ] is a property of the object, and doesn't depend on the presence or strength of gravity.[ Weight ] is the result of gravity, and changes depending on the local strength of gravity.

This is expressed as the weight of a mineral compared with the weight of an equal volume of water?

This is the specific gravity of the mineral. It's a comparison of how much mass a given volume of it has compared to the mass of an equal volume of water.

How is weight different than density?

density is weight compared to size and how much mass is in object weight is just weight.

Are Weight and mass are different words for the same property of matter?


What property is size?

Some properties are mass, weight, and volume.

What is a dependent property?

Some properties are mass, weight, and volume.

What is mass and matter?

mass is known the weight but matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. mass is a property of matter.

Is height a physical or chemical property?

Height is a physical property, just like color or weight (mass).