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Q: Is whiskey the hard liquor that tastes most like beer?
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Do you drink beer and the hard alcohol or the other around?

Beer on whiskey, mighty risky. Whiskey on beer, never fear.

What are the types of medicines?

The only medicine was whiskey and other hard liquor.

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What is a 3 way liquor license?

It is a license that allows the business to sell Beer, Wine and Hard Liquor.

Is the glasS of wine considered as serving of alcohol?

Yes. In general, one glass of wine or beer has one ounce of alcohol, which is about the same amount as one shot of "hard" liquor such as vodka, whiskey or rum.

Why do gnats like beer?

Because they can't drink hard liquor.....

What is a whiskey tumbler?

A whiskey tumbler is nothing more than a stemless drinking glass usually with a thick base used for - usually - hard liquor such as Whiskey. Viper1

Is there de-alcoholized scotch or hard liquor?

De-alcoholized scotch or hard liquor is quite uncommon. There was a drink called Clayton's which resembled whiskey. However, it is no longer made.

What is the drinking age in Norway?

18 for beer and wine. 20 for hard liquor.

Does beer have as much alcohol as hard liquor?

Not by volume, but one beer is the same as one drink for determining your sobriety. One drink's worth of beer is 12 ounces (one can/bottle), while one drink's worth of liquor is 1.5 ounces (one shot). And some beers are stronger than others, as much as 4 times. Beer also has more calories, thats why models drink vodka, it gets you drunk faster and not fat.

Binge drinking is defined as the successive consumption of?

Alcohol, such as beer, wine, spirits, or hard liquor.