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Q: Is white flaky stuff on my vagina an STD?
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How do you get rid of white stuff coming from the vagina during intercourse?

This is a discharge and if it is thick, smells, and you itch you have a yeast infection. You could also have a STD. Go to a doctor.

When yuu have an std does your vagina get dry?

It could. Usually it gets wetter, though. Like with weird discharge. If you have warts or gonnereah, there will be bumps and stuff. Take your temperature, see if you have a fever. If you do, you may have an STD. Anyways, if you have an std clinic nearby, you should probably get checked out, just to be sure.

Does it taste bad to lick a vagina?

No, not if she is clean.

Why is my vagina have bumps and is red and burns to pee?

you might have a STD

Is a vagina infected if it smells like copper?

it means you have an std

Can you get a std by a male rubbing his penis across your vagina?

i dont have a vagina but yes, you can contract an std if the girl has an std whether its visible or not. So it would be great for the both of you guys to get tested for any sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms work great but celebacy works better.

Why do i have a Painful vagina and peeing a lot?

It could be many things; from a STD to a UTI.

Why does your vagina stink if you are clean and do not have an std?

You may have a yeast infection, see your gynecologist.

What does it mean when after sex your vagina is sore and itchys and burns and when you go pee it burns and dark brown stuff comes out?

It most likely means you have an STD, you might want to go to the doctors, to get that looked at more closely.

Can you get STD when boyfriend lick your vagina?

Cold sores are a form of herpes. If he has a cold sore and his lips touch your vagina, then you can absolutely get genital herpes.

Is it ok to eat a woman's vagina?

As long as the woman is clean and STD free, it is OK.

I just touched my girlfriend vagina can i catch an std if she have one?

no your dick will have to go in her vagina to git one just in case wash your hands with soap