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Q: Is wind power part of fossil fuel?
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What is the same between wind power and fossil fuel?

how are fossil fuels same from wind power

How are wind turbines better than fossil fuel power plants?

The wind is free. And no pollution is created by a wind turbine.

What are five sources of Eletrical?

Solar, Nuclear, Wind, Water, and Fossil Fuel power

How are fossil fuels different from wind power?

wind power blows and fossil fuels are gases

Do power plants burn fossil fuels?

Some power plants do. Any plant that burns oil, coal, or gas from underground resources could be considered a "fossil fuel" plant. There are however nuclear, solar, hydro-electric and wind powered power plants.

How will wind energy help the US?

Wind power is an important form of renewable energy. Wind power converts the energy of wind into electricity. In order to reduce the pressure on fossil fuel consumption, renewable energy is a must.

Can people decrease dependence on fossil fuels?

Wind power, Wind Power, WIND POWER!

Where is wind power being used in the world right now?

In many factories and especially fossil fuel plants.

Why is wind power energy helpful?

It helps us because it uses a renewable resource instead of a fossil fuel

What fuels are used in wind energy?

Typical fossil fuels are used to build the turbine and construct it. Once built wind is the main energy component for the wind turbine itself. Fossil fuel plants run on standby (not producing power yet consuming fuel) to backup these systems. This fuel is ignored to maintain the "green" status of Wind systems.

Is wind energy fossil fuel?


Is wind a fossil fuel?

no, fossil fuels are very old chemical substances that we burn for energy, like natural gas, oil and coal. we get wind power out of the movement of air by using mechanical methods like wind turbines