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It gives them power which can give them sexual feelings.

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Q: Is withdrawing sex and afection constantly in a relationship a kind of sadism that gives the narcissist sexual feelings?
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What does it mean when you call you Mateperson you love babe or baby?

your showing afection for that person that you're calling 'love babe' or 'baby'

When does a narcissist end the relationship?

When they see you can see trough their mask and question their behavior and don't say Amen to all they do....If you speak your mind and want to exchange ideas and thoughts and know what you want which maybe is not the same they want all the time...Being in a relationshio is giving and taking, 2 different individuals that respect each others taste,ideals etc....They cannot do it only at the Enticing phase,then they get tired of acting and the Real One shows up...and they get ashamed,angry and start withdrawing afection,sex and consntantly testing hell on Earth...They are the master of confusion...Then they blame you for everything they do and you are dismissed.... ADDITIONALLY: If the N feels you have "injured" him in any manner, he will check out on you, it could be something as small as saying to him "you have no sense of humour" he will take this as a COMPLETE insult, a criticism, no matter if you were jokingly saying it or not. If you call him on his behavior/lies, he sees this as an injury as well and will consider you the "enemy" he will not interact with you if he now consider you to be the enemy. Treat his perceived injury with a gang of apologies, compliments and whatever supply you can offer, lure him back and DUMP him, these type people are unreasonable, uncaring, irrational, out of touch with reality, they have ZERO emotions, get away, it's not easy but can be done or stay with him and "dance with the devil". Additionally: There is another way how N's end the relationship and leave you, namely when YOU are about the end the relationship with your N. When the narcissist feels or knows that you want to end the relationship he/she will take over and arrange his own leaving. Many victims of narcissist partners arrive to a point in which they suddenly realize the sickness of their relationship or mariage. The narcissist is demasked. After the first shock the victim starts working on his own salvation. Of course this takes time however the narcissist feels that the source is slowly running dry. Narcissism is all about control so when he looses this control or when you even make a decision leaving him or her, they cannnot accept this abandonment. The fear of loosing the control over you as well as loosing their narcissictic supply source is unbearable for him. In the minds of narcissists it is unacceptable to even consider the possibility that YOU leave HIM/HER, instead of the other way around. They own you don't they, so how can it be? The N will gain time which he needs for arranging his way out. He needs to find another source, to prepare for divorce, to talk bad about you behind your back in order to create the idea you're the one to blame etc. During that time the N will try one time more to not loose you but completely according narcissistic patterns he will do this by witholding attention and sex instead of giving you this elementairy aspects of a relationship. He thinks he can still play the same game but now you're aware and you don't mind too much anymore. Then, when he/she has arranged everything he will leave you. You need to direct this process which is not difficult once you have demasked your narcissist.

How do you spell afection?

The correct spelling of the verb is to affect, meaning to influence or alter.The noun affect is a psychological term. The noun for a change is an effect.

Does Crowfeather show his afection to Leafpool in Power of Three?

No, not really because when she talked to him in Dark River, he had accused ThunderClan of celebrating half-Clan blood, making her flinch away from him. Leafpool shows a lot of affection, or tries to, in The Sight, Dark River, and Outcast.

Who is Toru going to go out with in fruits basket?

Kyo sohma. wel of course kyo because they kiss in the 20'th or 21'rst book. plus they show afection alot

What role did the elderly have in the Native Americans culture?

The role of the elders is to be a mentor, peace keeper, story teller (if that what they are good at), baby sitter, and teacher. Every member of the tribe held a role of responsibility, and elders were teachers of the young while the parents were away in their roles during the day.

How does a narcissistic woman act?

He will devalue (withdraw afection,attention,give the cold shoulder,blow hot and cold )then he will do something so that will give you areason to want to leave very fast,or do something which he will say that he can't be around you anymore or just belittle your looks ,or anything they can to put you down...and dump ypo,disappeariang from your life totally,like if we never existed....Most narcissists really never look back...they move on to somebody else,we are all objects to them.... It's strange how things suddenly fall into place. I had always felt something was not quite right with him and in the latter stages of our marriage his behaviour verged on the deranged. Towards the end of our relationship, whilst we were having a meal out I suggested couples counselling. He said 'counselling does not work for people of high intelligence'! Reality check! He simply did not want his behaviour confronted. My interpretation of this was he valued getting his own way more than a 25 year relationship. This was my moment of epiphany. Instantly years of anger with him welled up, I saw red and yelled at him (in the middle of a restaurant) that he was AN ARROGANT EGOTISTICAL POMPOUS SELFISH A*******! He went bright red, opening and shutting his mouth like a fish but no words came out. At that point all the illusions he had created were shattered. He knew that I knew the reality. I had never heard of NPD then, but all my gut instincts were right about him. From then on he channeled all his nasty narcissistic energies into an acrimonious divorce and alienating the children from me, which I have since learnt is pretty much par for the course with this type of individual. By all means out the narcissist in your life, it was very satisfying for me, however be prepared for the backlash because believe me there will be one, in some form or other.

Your ex N devalued you and ended your relationship when you were over visiting him from Europe to the US 10 hours after your arrival but didnt want you to leave but gave you silent treatment then nice?

Was there more to it? Were you overpowering towards wanting longterm commitment even though it was possibly in the cards. Men tend to fantasize with these ideas early on but like to leave it at that and do not like to be rushed when it comes to love even when they seem that way at times its because its at there choice and pace. They like control of the relationship as women do and if feel they have lost it the relationship is seen as more of a burden than lovely one. Women need to know whats going on men don't they do but they like to address it and leave it at that and let the rest happen. They also give silent treatment because they don't no what to say they feel the feelings but can't put it into words until they have had time to digest it he would have felt guilty about his cold behaviour towards your feelings and was nice to not let you leave feeling he was a cold basterd maybe??? reaction to answer= I wasnt pushing anything he would tell me if a woman made a pass at him he would go internet gaming fpor 13 hours on the weekend he would tell me don't touch me if i did friendly padded him on the shoulder in the kitchen but did wake me up in the middle of the night to hug me when he felt like ! we had a long distance relationship for 2 yeaers sex twice he withdraw afection and wouldn't want me to leave when i said i was going. i wqs suppoed to stay 3 months but i left after 2 months of humiliation ....i am a goodlooking intelligent and i did loved him very much i am still suffering the effects from al this.

In the giver how was the community so meticulously ordered?

by there being no choses for any body and you could not show afection no one could have there own child you were forst do do wat ever they thought was right there was no music you were color blind and you couldn't even hung you saposlybly mom an dad and you went on by age like if you were 4 years old you were a four year and you had to dress a serntant way you could not make the dision on what you wonted to do the government did that for you you couldn't pick your spous ether and you couldn't kiss hug or have sexy with and body they did not no of relegions or of pain you were blind on what life rilly was

Why is Oberon angry with Titania?

Oberon wants Titania to fall in love with some vile thing so she will have no afection for the boy stolen from the Indian King anymore. This way, he can take the boy as a servant and won't have Titania in the way. Later Oberon plans to cure the love spell from the Queen using a herb.

How do narcissists handle abandonment?

this is truly the hardest feeling to deal with. first you have to allow yourself to grieve the loss of dreams you had about your future with the narcissist. then you have to find support for the feelings you have about the time you spent with the ex then you need to find youreslf again, do the things you remember that brought you happiness go to the places that made you feel good lastly you have to let him/her go. release a balloon or butterfly throw photos away you have to let them ooze out of your system and PS they'll return to dampen your happiness so ignore them and move on good luck writing into faqfarm is a start.RecoveryCongratulations on being NARCISSIST-FREE! Darling, one day you will look back and celebrate! You will ask Hartz Mountain to make a Narcissist Collar! By the time he leaves, you have already cried enough. But you are so right that there is a period of recovery ahead of you. Here are a few suggestions from experience.1. Surround yourself with sane trusted friends; you may soon realize that others have seen through him long before you did. It is okay to 'bounce things off' loyal friends since you'll likely discover that you have been lied to--a lot!--and need to compare notes. The truth will set you free.2. He has probably done things to confuse, intimidate, humiliate and undermine you. You may need a good therapist to help you get your confidence back and to find yourself again. Once your narcissist has done his number on your head, you are probably questioning/blaming yourself about a lot of things. For example, if something goes wrong, you may immediately assume that you are to blame for the mishap, or that you are responsible for fixing it. You need to disrupt this habit of instantly looking inside yourself for the fault when things go wrong. Drop that piece of baggage, because it isn't yours--it's his. You were carrying it for your N because he's too weak to admit he's wrong about anything. Again, here is an area where a therapist may be able to help you.3. Flush his poisons out of your system by doing the things that YOU enjoy. Avoid activities that were 'his'--that is, the things that you did primarily because he enjoyed them. Watch funny movies; go dancing; work out at the gym; catch up with friends, pursue a favorite hobby. If you have a neglected talent, pick it up again and shine!4. Get back in touch with someone you have been missing. You know who that person is? IT'S YOU!! If you've been involved with a narcissist, it's yourself that you've been missing the most. You are a genuine person; he is not. He has no use for a genuine person. He wouldn't know what to do with one.5. Don't be alone, but also be cautious about starting another relationship before you've gotten a good start in your emotional recovery. Don't be surprised to find that yet another N has begun hanging around and trying to charm you! "Narcissist #2" might find you attractive soon after this breakup because he senses your vulnerability. However, do not give in to your feelings of neediness! A narcissist has nothing with which to fill you, ever! He is looking for an ego meal for himself, always.6. Also don't be too surprised if (when his narcissistic supply runs out), your ex comes sniffing around again in the role of his old charming phony self. What you do then is up to you. Just keep one thing in mind: the attractive, dynamic person he presents to you has never actually existed and does not exist now. He is an empty shell and he wants to fill himself up by sucking the life out of you. His charm is like a flashy fishing lure, and you already know what happens if you bite.7. If the N has a key to your place, change the locks immediately. Yes, I understand that he is the one who just dumped you! But when he realizes that you will never, ever let him back into your life, he may become furious and vindictive. If you live in a building with a doorman or superintendent, let them know that your ex didn't just "lose his key," and that they are not to let him into your apartment. This suggestion may sound extreme, but even if your N has never shown any violent tendencies, he will exploit any opportunity to keep you off balance. A narcissist is at his most creative when he is out for revenge. This single precaution alone may save you untold grief. You are not dealing with a normal person.8. If any of his stuff is still in your home, put it out of your sight. Do not phone him about it; he should have the courtesy to contact you about picking up his own possessions. If there is a lot of material to be gotten rid of and it is becoming a nuisance, send a message through an intermediary. You will accommodate him at your own convenience and not at his. (Never again miss work, school or a friend's party for his convenience.) If possible, do not be at home when he comes to pick up his stuff. However, he mustn't have the run of the place either, so you will need to recruit someone his own size to be present in your home to supervise. Tell your brother or buddy or your trusted friend exactly where the N's stuff is located on the day of pick-up (for example, the middle of the livingroom floor in a cardboard box) and that's all he's allowed to take. Under no circumstances should he be given an opportunity to "look around" and thereby gain access to your drawers, closets, medicine cabinet, car glove compartment or any other private areas. By the way, it's best not to let him drop off anything while he's in your home either. He must be watched every minute he is on your premises. Then, once you've rid your home of his residue, it's a good time to re-decorate.9. Evict the N from your life in every way. This is harder than it sounds but it must be done. A narcissist "on a tear" can create an amazing whirlwind of chaos that could take you months to straighten out! Do not initiate any contact with him if you can avoid it. Delete his number from your auto-dialer and if possible filter out his calls. If you had been letting him use your computer, back up your own data/apps and then re-format the hard drive. Change all your passwords. If he has access to any of your credit cards or banking information, contact the banks and do whatever you can to secure them.10. Don't try to rush the process of emotional recovery. Give yourself time.These things are not easy to do, but there is a wonderful reward waiting for you. Soon, you will unload this burden and stand up straight again. You may have to repeat some of these actions over and over, until you have separated yourself from his craziness. But one day your re-found sanity will 'click' and you'll wonder what you ever saw in him.All the best!

You love each other you live in US he lives in Africa what should you do?

Since you love each other, you may breath a sigh of relief. If it had not been love, you'd have been asked for money, or be about to be asked for money. If it had not been love, you'd have been asked to help fund a trip so that he could visit you. If it had not been love, you'd soon be sad and depressed over being so cruelly used for money, sex and/or green card. But it's love, so none of those things is going to happen. There are no age or wealth disparities between you two, and the person in Africa is more than happy to wait a long time to make sure it's right. That person certainly won't need any identifier info, credit card numbers, western unions or such in the meanwhile. (Now look closer to home for love, or do a real intensive search of exactly who you are dealing with. Give no money out for any reason. Be very, very careful.) Another Answer -Well sometimes they dont ask anything material but are things that could happens without any reason ,like for example me having a long distance relationship for almost two years we are adults and when i finally went to him he withdraw afection,mental abused me and told he didnt want to do anything with me anymore,so is not only a question losing material stuff is also being used sexually and emotional!So be careful,i thought i was dealing with a real lovely guy that also showed me some of his imperfections we were real close but now i know he suffered from careful