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Q: Is work directly or inversely proportional to force?
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Yes! Good work.

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a = k/b when a is inversely proportional to b, where k is a constant.

What is the relationship between work and force?

W= Fd (Directly Proportional)

What is the equation or the formula getting power?

P(watt)=energy/time. Where power in measure in watt directly proportional to energy(work) and inversely proportional to time in seconds. 1W = .001kW

Who developed the universal law of gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton developed this law. He stated that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It came from his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687.

What is Boyle's law and who is the proponent of this law?

The Volume of a fixed gas is inversely proportional to the pressure it sustains. by the same token, the temperature of a gas is directly proportional to the pressure, heat and pressure work in tandem. Discovered by Robert Boyle some time in the l600"s

How can a lever increase the force applied without changing the amount of work being done?

Work is force times distance. A lever will increase force, at the cost of distance, or it will increase distance, at the cost of force. Each of these is inversely proportional, so the net force times distance is the same. Said in other words, a lever cannot add to or subtract from work - work is the same in all cases.

What is proportional to the force?

It means if you multiply or divide the mass by any number, the force gets multiplied or divided by the same number. double the mass ---> double the force 79 times the mass ---> 79 times the force 62 percent of the mass ---> 62 percent of the force one-tenth of the mass ---> one-tenth of the force

Application of the law of acceleration?

Newton's second law of motion, commonly known as the law of acceleration, states that when a body is acted on by a force, its resulting change in momentum takes place in the direction in which the force is applied, is proportional to the force causing it, and is inversely proportional to its mass. F = ma net force = mass*acceleration

What are the quantities on which the amount of work done depends and How are they related to work?

work depends on:FORCE and DISPLACEMENT. it is directly proportional to both of them. work can be calculated by the product of force and displacement. if displacement is in a certain direction to the applied force then work done is calculated by force*displacement cos(angle). work done becomes 0when:- *displacement is 0 or the initial point and final point are the same. *displacement is in perpendicular direction to force applied.

How force work?

The rule is that any object attracts any other object; the force is proportional to the product of the masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. As to the mechanism, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity says that masses distort space, and that this distortion is what causes the force. On the other hand, it is believed that the gravitational force is transmitted via hypothetical partlcles called "gravitons". Hypothetical because they haven't been detected yet, but this is no surprise, as individual gravitons would be extremely weak and hard to detect.

How gravitational force work?

The rule is that any object attracts any other object; the force is proportional to the product of the masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. As to the mechanism, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity says that masses distort space, and that this distortion is what causes the force. On the other hand, it is believed that the gravitational force is transmitted via hypothetical partlcles called "gravitons". Hypothetical because they haven't been detected yet, but this is no surprise, as individual gravitons would be extremely weak and hard to detect.