

Is yak wild or domestic

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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both, but there are more domestic ones

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Q: Is yak wild or domestic
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Are there yak's in Asia?

The yak is found in some parts of Asia. There are two types of yak, the domestic and wild yak. The wild yak is much bigger than the domestic yak. The yak is a cold climate animal and travels in snow.

Who is yak a domestic or wild animal?

Generally Wild. They can be domestic, if reared for milk.

Is yak a domestic or a wild animal?

Generally wild. They could be domestic, when reared as cattle for milk.

Is a yak a social?

Yaks are social animals, domestic Yaks form larger populations than the wild Yak

Are yak are endengerd?

in the wild the population is vunerable, although there is a large domestic population

Reason endangered of yak?

wild Yaks are hunted for food, domestic Yaks are better protected

What is a yak and what is it used for?

A yak is an animal, related to the domestic bovine. They can be wild, and hunted for their meat, or raised as domesticated livestock, raised for their meat, milk, hair and muscle power to pull carts.

What is a wild yak?

# A wild yak is like a bull and a cow mixed but is stronger than both

How many yaks are left?

it has become difficult to estimate the wild Yak population, but there are about 12 million domestic animals in the Highlands of Central Asia

Are there different species of yak?

The wild yak and the domesticated yak wich is smaller in size plus there is a hybrid of yak mix with cattle.

What are facts about a yak?

In winter a wild yak can survive temperatures as low as - 40 degrees (F).A wild yak doesn't reach full size until 6 to 8 years of age.In wild yaks, births usually occur in June and a single calf is born every other year.Dried yak dung is used as fuel in the treeless Tibetan plateaus.The Sherpas of Nepal call the males of the species "Yak" and the females "Nak," or "Dri."All yaks also have rainbow milk that tastes very sweet.There are two species of yaks, domestic and wild. Domestic yaks are smaller, and have a less shaggy coat.Female and young yaks congregate in large herds, while male adult yaks are more solitary.

Is the yak in danger of existing?

domestic herds are numerous although wild Yaks are in decline