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It really depends on what kind of pills and how much you weigh but enough water will clean your system just keep drinkin and peeing

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Q: Is your body clean of pills after drinking gallons of water?
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Definition of unclean drinking water?

Drinking water that is not clean

What can get THC out of system?

Water, Vinegar, Niacin, Pickle Juice. You can get water pills or niacin pills and those will flush your system out. I've even heard of friends drinking a cap full of bleach with a glass of water to clean out there system. I'm not sure if it works but they have all believed it has.

What is the record for drinking water?

I think about 5 gallons

How can you prevent having clean drinking water?

I would suggest buying bottled water, drinking city tap water or by mixing a little dirt and grime in there. That should prevent you from drinking clean water.

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using a safe fountain for clean drinking water

Are we running out of drinking water-?

No, we are not running out of drinking water in the United States.

Will five gallons of fluid clean your urine?

Drinking such an amount of fluid (water?) as five gallons over a short period, will alter the constituency of your natural body fluids, and can make you ill, or even cause your death.

How do you get clean drinking water?

Getting it From a Water Cycle

Do children in Haiti have clean drinking water?

No They Dont Have Any Drinking Water. (Cadells And Egg)

How can you stop people dying from dirty water?

donate fresh drinking water to people who does not have clean drinking water

Where is clean drinking water found?