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Generally, once you're past puberty, your penis is in proportion to the rest of your body. Therefore - a tall man may have a longer penis than a shorter man. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule !

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Q: Is your penis bigger if you're taller?
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Do overweight people have a smaller penis than skinny people?

skinny people don't have a bigger penis but because they're skinny it looks bigger. weight has noting at all to do with size of penis, although taller people usually have larger penis.

What happens to boys juring puberty?

Your penis grows Your balls get bigger You get hair in places Your voice gets deeper You get taller

How can you tell if your circumsized?

If your penis has a foreskin youre uncircumsized. If you can see you penis head than youre circumsized. Another way to tell is if you try pulling back on youre penis skin.

Does your penis get bigger during puberty like how you get taller in height?

Definitly. Most people have several inches added to their penis lenghth during puberty don't worry it will be much bigger than it is before puberty.

What body parts in boys change?

Their penis gets bigger nd hairier, they have an interest in girls. They also get taller, get deeper voices, body hair, and facial hair.

Does wearing tighty wighteys make youre penis look bigger if you are 15 years old?

Not really. It will just show what size it is. Wear boxers if you want to hide the size.

If your penis is only 10centermeters long erect at age 13 is it small?

No. you're still growing and will eventually get bigger, maybe even MUCH bigger. You shouldn't be worried at this age. Your penis doesn't stop growing until youre 18-21, so you have plenty of time to grow and develop

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It may make yu taller but yur head well not get bigger

Lump on right thigh?

youre growing a penis in the wrong place

How long is a goats penis?

i dont know ask youre grandad