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Q: It is nine days after taking clomid and the ovulation test is still negative?
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Could I be pregnant while taking clomid aged 47?

Isn't that WHY you are taking Clomid? Women take Clomid to try and get pregnant. According to my conversations with my doctor, you are NOT too old at age 47 to get pregnant. If your eggs are still viable (in good condition) then, you can get pregnant. I hope you were taking Clomid to try and conceive, if not, then why?

How fast do you get pregnant when your taking Clomid?

I was taking 50mg clomid and on an ultrasound scan I produced 5 eggs. I was advised to abstain from intercourse due to risk of multiples, which I did not and still I failed to conceive

You ended your period on Day 3 but you need to take Clomid on Day 5 Can you still take Clomid?

Yes. Even if your period ended on day 3, still start your clomid on day 5. Clomid is supposed to help your body ovulate so you don't want to take it too early or too late. Take it exactly like prescribed by your doctor.

is a negative number minus a number still a negative number?

Yes if the number you are taking away is positive, it will always be a negative number answer. If the number you are taking away is also negative the answer could be either positive or negative, dependant upon the number's used.

Will you still feel ovulation if you have taken a Valium?

Valium is an anti-anxiety medication, not a painkiller. It will not change ovulation pain.

Can an Ovulation Test still work if your tubes are blocked?

yes it will still work because the test does not detect the egg, it detects the LH hormone. the hormone that comes with ovulation.

Could you still be pregnant after taking 2 pregnancy test and they come out negative?

Yes. You could be testing too early.

Can you still be pregnant with a negative blood test?

It's very rare as the blood test is the most accurate. However if it was done too soon it could be false. They are considered accurate 10-14 days after ovulation.

If the sperm reaches my egg on the tenth day of ovulation wil i still ovulate all fourteen days?

Peak ovulation only lasts about two days. Buy an ovulation kit to check your ovulation. If a sperm reaches an egg ten days after peak ovulation, well...the egg is probably not there anymore.

If taking two pregnancy test were positive but 3 were negative can you still be pregnant?

Get yourself to a clinic and take a proper test. The home preggo tests are not always to be trusted, especially if they say negative.

If you're on the pill will the egg still drop?

No, the pill stops ovulation.

Is a negative improper fraction's reciprocal still negative?

Yes. My Dad told me it is still negative.