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DNA is changing its shape. It wraps two loops around histones, becoming nucleosomes, shaping into spiral coils known as chromatin. Because we have so much DNA is our genes, if we line it up it would reach the moon back and forth many times.

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Q: It is not easy to observe indivdual chromosomes during the interphase because?
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T is not easy to observe individual chromosomes during the interphase because?

Only during the division stages of a cells life will chromosomes form. During Interphase the cells DNA is in the unorganized form of chromatin.

Why cant you see the chromosomes during interphase?

In interphase, the DNA has just replicated and exists as loosely coiled chromatins. They have not yet condensed enough to be the form of a chromosome. In the next stage, prophase, the DNA will shorten and condense into the easily recognizable chromosome structure.

Why is it not easy to observe individual chromosomes during interphrase?

this is because during the interphase, the cell is at a point where it has either completed its division or is about to start its division. here the chromosomes have not separated yet in preparation for the divisin and they so look alike that one cant differentiate a chromosome.

Why not easy to observe individual chromosomes during the interphase?

coz in interphase, the chromatin threads are not yet condensed into what is called as chromosomes. they are thread like structures, and make a network called chromatin network. chromatin threads only begin to condense into thicker structures called chromosomes once the process of cell division actually begins

It is not easy to observe individual chromosomes during interphase because?

the DNA has not been duplicated yet. they have uncoiled to form long, thin strands. they leave the nucleus and are scattered throughout the cell. homologous chromosomes do not pair up until division starts.

Why didn't Mendel observe linkage?

Mendel did not observe linkage because, by chance, he chose traits whose genes resided on different chromosomes. Genes on different chromosomes assort independently. To answer the question of 'Who discovered gene linkage?'...The answer is British geneticists William Bateson and Reginald Punnett.

What did Sutton observe about the relative numbers of chromosomes in the body cells and sex cells of grasshoppers?

body cells of a grasshopper has 24 chromosomes and 12 chromosomes in the sex cells so as many body cell chromosomes you have you will have half that number of chromosomes in your sex cells.

What did Walter Sutton observe?

he observed that grasshopper body cells and sex cells have the same number of chromosomes

What part of a cell would you study if you wanted to observe chromosomes?

Chromosomes are found only in the nucleus of the cell. Although they are actually observed as chromatinthroughout most of the cell's life the chromatin does condense into chromosomes during mitosis/meiosis.

What can we observe in order to visualize Mendel's Law of Segregation?

homologous chromosomes separating during meiosis I

The physical appearance of the entire set of chromosomes of a given animal?

The physical appearance of the entire set of chromosomes of a given animal is a phenotype. A phenotype is a trait that you can observe like the color of a persons eyes.

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