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So, what do you think might be happening? Maybe you should let your doctor know.

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Q: Its been two months and i have not got my period?
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Your girlfriend missed her period you have not been active in over two months she got her period in December but not yet and is about 13 days past could she be pregnant?

She could absolutly be pregnant!

Is it normal to skip your period for two months when you first got it?

Yes, it's normal. You might not be regular for maybe months or years. I got my period when I turned 13 and I am now 19 and still dont have a regular period.

You had a baby eight months ago and got your first period a month ago two weeks later you got a heavy four day period and two weeks after that you have now been bleeding for 8 days?

well i guess that would be normal since you just had a baby. but i would call your doctor just to be sure.

Does it take time to become regular if you were on Depo for 6 months and then went off?

Yes it takes time to become regular again, that is if you have gotten your period yet. It can take any where from a month to two years before you even get your fist period. Depo Provera stays in your system longer than three months time actually. I have been on and off the shot for six years and the first two times I went off it I received my period within the first two months, and I was on the shot for a year or more. This time I was only on it for nine months got my last shot Feb 05 and surprise I still have no period and it's Nov 06. It depends on the person when they will get there period and regulat. Hope this helps. Yes it takes time to become regular again, that is if you have gotten your period yet. It can take any where from a month to two years before you even get your fist period. Depo Provera stays in your system longer than three months time actually. I have been on and off the shot for six years and the first two times I went off it I received my period within the first two months, and I was on the shot for a year or more. This time I was only on it for nine months got my last shot Feb 05 and surprise I still have no period and it's Nov 06. It depends on the person when they will get there period and regulat. Hope this helps.

What does it mean if you haven't had your period for two months?

you will never have your period.

Why haven't i gotten my period for two months?

Why haven't i gotten my period for two months? can it be do to stress? or something else? i have the mirena... for a year now....

Should be two months that i have been having cramping feelings in my stomach ive had my period can i be pregnant?

You might very well be pregnant. My godmother had her period for all nine months that she was pregnant and didnt even know she was pregnant until delivery. She just thought she was getting fat from being at home all the time and not working. What a pleasant surprise she got when she got sick with stomach pains and they told her at the hospital she was about to give birth. :)

Can you start your period being two months pregnant?

Yes you can have your period!

What is a bimester?

A bimester is a period of two months.

If they broke up twice in six months and shes two months pregnant two months after they got back together is she trapping him?

A better question would be If they broke up twice in six months and shes two months pregnant two months after they got back together is she pregnant? And the answer would be yes.

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You used birth control for two months and stopped you got your period twice in one month when you stopped but ever since you havent gotten your period for almost a full 3 months now is that normal?

Yes, it happens to people who swim for no logical reason at all.