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Q: Its orange-red spectral line is how the modern day meter is defined and its fictitious ore is the Achilles' heel for the man of steel?
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Its orange-red spectral line is how the modern day meter is defined and not to sound cryptic but its fictitous ore is the achilles' heel for the man of steel?


What is an orange-red spectral line modern day meter is defined and not to sound to cryptic?


How does Achilles regain his humanity in the end of The Iliad?

heroes are defined to me by their humanity. Only after Achilles accepts his fate and comes to terms with his own mortality does he regain his humanity and onlt then can he be considered a hero.

What system is based on the international system of units?

S.I. is based on the meter, kilogram and second.The kilogram is defined as the mass of a lump of platinum in a vault near Paris.The second is defined as a certain number of cycles of a particular spectral line.The meter is defined as a number of wavelengths of a particular spectral line.Since c (the speed of light) is now defined to 9 digit accuracy the last two can be done by comparing the ratio of the two light frequencies.

What are liners in astronomy?

A Low Ionization Nuclear Emission lineRegion (LINER) is a type of galactic nucleus that is defined by its spectral line emission.See link for more information

In science what is meant by the Lyman series?

The Lyman series is scientifically defined as the series of transitioning of hydrogen atom spectral lines that are found within emission lines of ultra violet.

What is the difference between spatial resolution and spectral resolution?

The spatial resolution of a sensor can be defined as the area of ground imaged by one pixel. High spatial resolution means each pixel represents a small square of ground, so it is easy to identify tiny features in an image. Spectral resolution is the width of the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum that a sensor will detect. High spectral resolution allows material identification through a characterization of its spectrum.

Is secret seven book by enid blyton is a novel?

technically yes as a novel is defined as; "A fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism."

What is timbre musically?

Musical timbre is defined as the tonal quality of acoustics, sometimes known as tone color. Pitch and volume are not factors for musical timbre. Rather, the richness and spectral envelope of music is taken into account.

What is a good phrase for OBAFGKM?

Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me . . . Additional spectral categories have been defined for many stars, designated R, N, and S. These can easily be added to the mnemonic phrase above: . . . . . Right Now, Smack .

Which would you classify as a more sympathetic character Achilles or Priam?

I feel more sympathetic towards Priam, because he has to beg Achilles for his son's body back and kiss Achilles' hands, the hands by which the spear that killed his son was thrust into Hector's throat, killing him. He lowered down his standards by visiting Achilles, and showing him respect. He was ready to do anything to retrieve his son's body. Priam was a hurt father that lost his son. -Raneem Fares-

What is power spectral density?

power spectral density (PSD), which describes how the power of a signal or time series is distributed with frequency. Here power can be the actual physical power, or more often, for convenience with abstract signals, can be defined as the squared value of the signal, that is, as the actual power if the signal was a voltage applied to a 1-ohm load.Since a signal with nonzero average power is not square integrable, the Fourier transforms do not exist in this case. Fortunately, the Wiener-Khinchin theorem provides a simple alternative. The PSD is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function, R(Ï„), of the signal if the signal can be treated as a wide-sense stationary random process.The power of the signal in a given frequency band can be calculated by integrating over positive and negative frequencies.The power spectral density of a signal exists if and only if the signal is a wide-sense stationary process. If the signal is not stationary, then the autocorrelation function must be a function of two variables, so no PSD exists, but similar techniques may be used to estimate a time-varying spectral density.