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YES please go to your doc ASAP! you could prevent a miscarriage!

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Q: Ive been having pregnancy symptoms sore breasts really tired etc i usually don't get my period till the 11th but i was cramping on the 5th with spotting and was bleeding on the 8th could i be pregnant?
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You do not know if you are pregnant you have irregular periods you are 2 months late and you have a brownish pinkish spotting right now and cramping are you pregnant?

spotting is Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy so yes you could be pregnant

Could you be pregnant if you have been on the birth control Implanon and have been on your period for a month and half with very light spotting and somewhat heavy bleeding with cramping at times?

Signs of pregnancy on the implant are lack of bleeding and positive pregnancy test. Irregular bleeding on the implant is a side effect, and not a sign of pregnancy.

Can you have spotting and cramping if you're not pregnant?

Yes. You can have spotting in between cycles or at the start of a very light period. Take a home pregnancy test if you'd like to confirm whether or not you are pregnant

Backache and stomache cramps light brown spotting when i wipe is it period or pregnancy?

Pregnancy symptoms and PMS symptoms overlap one another so much it's ridiculous. If you are worried that you may be pregnant, you need to take a home pregnancy test. If you have had sex without the use of protection, you could be pregnant. It does not matter what time of the month it is for you. Even if you did use protection, there is still a small chance you could get pregnant. If you are pregnant, the brown spotting is likely implantation bleeding. The stomach cramping due to your uterus preparing, and the backache is probably uterine related also. But, cramping, backaches, and spotting are also PMS symptoms. Take a pregnancy test.

On implanon im constantly spotting blood and lactating can i be pregnant?

You are unlikely to be pregnant on the implant. Signs of pregnancy are absent bleeding and positive pregnancy test.

Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


9 weeks pregnant and bleeding and spotting for a week?

Spotting can be normal in a pregnancy, but if you have a lot of bleeding call you Dr. ASAP. However, even for light spotting you should go to the walk in clinic today. Good luck

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

Is is possible to have a period followed by very light spotting during pregnancy?

Typically women that experience a "period" during pregnancy really only have slight bleeding with implantation. This is called implantation spotting. If you have confirmed you are pregnant, you should see a doctor for any bleeding.

How can you be pregnant to be on your period?

Some people experience bleeding or spotting during pregnancy that can make them think they're having a period.

Can you spot and still be pregnant?

Yes, you can be spotting and be pregnant. It is called implantation bleeding. It usually occurs about 8-9 days after ovulation, which is around the time of your period. Take a pregnancy test and good luck! *** The guy above refers to the process of implantation. If you definitively know that you are pregnant, then spotting when you know that you are pregnant is also normal. As the cell mass grows, then it can break tiny blood vessels and cause spotting. However, if the spotting intensifies and is accompanied by cramping, get it checked out as these are the precursors to miscarriage.

You are 9 weeks pregnant and started Cramping and spotting should you go to the er?

It all depends on your color of blood and level of pain in cramping. If your spotting is pink or brown-ish... they say it is not as big of a problem as dark red and/or heavy bleeding. I read that the embryo implants deeper during the 9th week and sometimes causes spotting and cramping. But either way, go with your intuition... ER or not!