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The old wives tale was if you dreamt of being pregnant or a birth there would be a death. If you dreamt of a death there would be a birth. It could simply mean you want to get pregnant or are trying to get pregnant. You may have had a conversation with a friend or acquaintance that has mentioned they are pregnant or trying to get pregnant and this is good enough to create a dream. Humans dream every half hour, but remember few dreams and it's the last few seconds upon wakening when we remember good/bad dreams.
check out !! Type in pregnant and you will find different theories on what it means.

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15y ago

Hello. I do therapy. I am proud to say there is nothing wrong with the dreams you are having. Dreaming about pregnancy and pregnancy tests means that those thoughts are at the back of your head just swirling around. So you might not know those thoughts are there but they are and they appear in your dreams. My advice is just don't complain about them. Unless they start to really bother you then i sugest you talk to somebody who you trust (a family member close friend) if that dont appeal to you there are special counsillers who can help 'Dream Specialists' they know their stuff. I hope this helped you. x x x

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9y ago

No one but the dreamer can decide what a dream means. It helps to remember that dreams are not literal, but symbolic. Being pregnant does not only have a physical meaning. For example, we can use the phrase "pregnant pause"--which means a pause in speaking that seems full of expectant meaning. We can also be "fertile with ideas"-- which has nothing to do with sex or pregnancy. So what "positive expecting" are you feeling...or hoping for... What ideas are you 'pregnant' with that you want to express creatively. You should also consider how your dream made you feel-- nervous, excited, thrilled, afraid-- and consider what those feelings mean about your 'pregnant creativity'. Might there be a way to "give birth" to your creativity so that you create what you are 'expecting'.

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Q: What do dreams of positive pregnancy tests mean?
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You have had 3 positive blood pregnancy tests and one negative home pregnancy test which was taken after the first positive blood test was reported what does this mean?

It means that either the blood tests were wrong or the home pregnancy test was wrong

5 home pregnanacy tests and all were positive does that mean pregnancy?

Actually it means you are apparently in denial.

What does positive mean on a pregnancy test?

It means you have a problem (disease, cancer, etc.) You most frequently hear it on pregnancy tests, if the results are positive the user is most likely pregnant.

What does it mean when you take three pregnancy test in a dream and they are all positive?

It's telling you that you're pregnant. I've had dreams similar to that.

What does 10 percent positive on a blood pregnancy test mean?

You read the results wrong. Blood pregnancy tests aren't reported in percentages. Take a look at the result again.

I took 7 pregnancy tests and all came back positive. does that for sure mean im pregnant?

The only way to really be sure is to see a doctor. But the chances of seven pregnancy tests all giving false positives is very very small.

Can certain illnesses give you a positive pregnancy test result if you aren't pregnant?

I am assuming you are referring to a urine pregnancy test which tests for Beta hCG. There are also blood tests, which are more specific, for pregnancy. The urine beta hCG test may be positive for other reasons than pregnancy. Certain cancers of the testicles and the ovary are diseases that can provide a positive pregnancy test. Also, a lot of blood or protein in the urine can give a false positive on a pregnancy test. There are also some medications that have been reported to cause false positives such as some anti-convulsants and anti-parkinson medications. Overall, though, the urine pregnancy test is very accurate. Any female who tests positive on a urine pregnancy test should arrange for an appointment to see a physician for follow-up.

You have missed your period for 3 months you took a pregnancy test one said negative and one said positive you got a doctors appointment but a month away im needing input?

Pregnancy tests react with a hormone that is present only during pregnancy. If one of your tests was positive, that hormone could be present, which means you are pregnant. However, since one of your tests was negative, this could mean that the positive test was a "false positive." A "false positive" happens sometimes, but it is very rare. The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant or not is to go have an ultrasound done at the doctor's office.

You took two pregnancy tests and they both were positive - does that mean I'm pregnant?

You are more than likely pregnant but to be sure you should go to see a doctor.

I have taken 6 pregnancy tests including digitals all were positive but blood test was negative my hcg level was only an 8 what does this mean?

You didn't say how late you are. Very early in pregnancy an 8 can mean positive. Many labs will consider anything higher than 2 positive. I personally test negative on pregnancy tests until I'm at least a week or two late, even on blood tests! My last pregnancy the home test came back positive before the dr.s blood test would. I would treat your body as if you are pregnant and wait a week or two. then go back and see if your number is higher. Good luck! I know it is hard to wait!

What does weak positive pregnancy blood test mean?

weak pregnancy blood test mean the pregnancy is liable to abort

What does it mean to be pregnant and be shopping for maternity clothes in your dreams.?

Pregnancy dreams are usually about change, specifically anticipating change.