

J P Morgan invention

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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does it really look like no? im the one trying to find out

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Difference between J trap and p trap?

A J trap is normally tubular and a P trap is brass and does not swivel

C program to calculate first symbol of given grammar?

#include"stdio.h" #include<conio.h> #define max 10 #define MAX 15 char array[max][MAX],temp[max][MAX]; int c,n,t;void fun(int,int[]); int fun2(int i,int j,int p[],int key) { int k; if(!key) { for(k=0;k<n;k++) if(array[i][j]==array[k][0]) break; p[0]=i;p[1]=j+1; fun(k,p); return 0; } else { for(k=0;k<=c;k++) { if(array[i][j]==temp[t][k]) break; } if(k>c)return 1; else return 0; } } void fun(int i,int p[]) { int j,k,key; for(j=2;array[i][j]!='\0';j++) { if(array[i][j-1]=='/') { if(array[i][j]>='A'&&array[i][j]<='Z') { key=0; fun2(i,j,p,key); } else {key=1; if(fun2(i,j,p,key)) temp[t][++c]=array[i][j]; if(array[i][j]=='[at]'&&p[0]!=-1) { //taking ,[at], as null symbol. if(array[p[0]][p[1]]>='A'&&array[p[0]][p[1]]<='Z') { key=0; fun2(p[0],p[1],p,key); } else if(array[p[0]][p[1]]!='/'&&array[p[0]][p[1]]!='\0') { if(fun2(p[0],p[1],p,key)) temp[t][++c]=array[p[0]][p[1]]; } } } } } } char fol[max][MAX],ff[max];int f,l,ff0; void ffun(int,int); void follow(int i) { int j,k; for(j=0;j<=ff0;j++) if(array[i][0]==ff[j]) return 0; if(j>ff0)ff[++ff0]=array[i][0]; if(i==0)fol[l][++f]='$'; for(j=0;j<n;j++) for(k=2;array[j][k]!='\0';k++) if(array[j][k]==array[i][0]) ffun(j,k); } void ffun(int j,int k) { int ii,null=0,tt,cc; if(array[j][k+1]=='/'array[j][k+1]=='\0') null=1; for(ii=k+1;array[j][ii]!='/'&&array[j][ii]!='\0';ii++) { if(array[j][ii]<='Z'&&array[j][ii]>='A') { for(tt=0;tt<n;tt++) if(temp[tt][0]==array[j][ii])break; for(cc=1;temp[tt][cc]!='\0';cc++) { if(temp[tt][cc]=='[at]')null=1; else fol[l][++f]=temp[tt][cc]; } } else fol[l][++f]=array[j][ii]; } if(null)follow(j); } void main() { int p[2],i,j; clrscr(); printf("Enter the no. of productions :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the productions :\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%s",array[i]); for(i=0,t=0;i<n;i++,t++) { c=0,p[0]=-1,p[1]=-1; temp[t][0]=array[i][0]; fun(i,p); temp[t][++c]='\0'; printf("First(%c) : [ ",temp[t][0]); for(j=1;j<c;j++) printf("%c,",temp[t][j]); printf("\b ].\n"); getch(); } /* Follow Finding */ for(i=0,l=0;i<n;i++,l++) { f=-1;ff0=-1; fol[l][++f]=array[i][0]; follow(i); fol[l][++f]='\0'; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\nFollow[%c] : [ ",fol[i][0]); for(j=1;fol[i][j]!='\0';j++) printf("%c,",fol[i][j]); printf("\b ]"); getch(); } }

C program to calculate First and Follow?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char t[5],nt[10],p[5][5],first[5][5],temp; int i,j,not,nont,k=0,f=0; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the no. of Non-terminals in the grammer:"); scanf("%d",&nont); printf("\nEnter the Non-terminals in the grammer:\n"); for(i=0;i<nont;i++) { scanf("\n%c",&nt[i]); } printf("\nEnter the no. of Terminals in the grammer: ( Enter e for absiline ) "); scanf("%d",&not); printf("\nEnter the Terminals in the grammer:\n"); for(i=0;i<nott[i]=='$';i++) { scanf("\n%c",&t[i]); } for(i=0;i<nont;i++) { p[i][0]=nt[i]; first[i][0]=nt[i]; } printf("\nEnter the productions :\n"); for(i=0;i<nont;i++) { scanf("%c",&temp); printf("\nEnter the production for %c ( End the production with '$' sign ) :",p[i][0]); for(j=0;p[i][j]!='$';) { j+=1; scanf("%c",&p[i][j]); } } for(i=0;i<nont;i++) { printf("\nThe production for %c -> ",p[i][0]); for(j=1;p[i][j]!='$';j++) { printf("%c",p[i][j]); } } for(i=0;i<nont;i++) { f=0; for(j=1;p[i][j]!='$';j++) { for(k=0;k<not;k++) { if(f==1) break; if(p[i][j]==t[k]) { first[i][j]=t[k]; first[i][j+1]='$'; f=1; break; } else if(p[i][j]==nt[k]) { first[i][j]=first[k][j]; if(first[i][j]=='e') continue; first[i][j+1]='$'; f=1; break; } } } } for(i=0;i<nont;i++) { printf("\n\nThe first of %c -> ",first[i][0]); for(j=1;first[i][j]!='$';j++) { printf("%c\t",first[i][j]); } } getch(); }

C program on shortest-job-first scheduling algorithm?

#include #include #include void main() { char p[10][5],temp[5]; int tot=0,wt[10],pt[10],i,j,n,temp1; float avg=0; clrscr(); printf("enter no of processes:"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i

WAP to print a wonderous square in java?

//Wondrous Square import*; class Wsq { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { int n; BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("enter input:"); n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); int i,j; int p[][]=new int[n][n]; System.out.print("Input The Elements:"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { p[i][j]=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); } } int sum,sum1; sum=sum1=0; int f=0; int com=(int)(1*n*(Math.pow(n,2)+1))/2; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { sum=sum+p[i][j]; sum1=sum1+p[j][i]; } if((sum!=com)(sum1!=com)) { f=1; } sum=0; sum1=0; } if(f==1) { System.out.println("Not A Wondrous Square:"); } else { System.out.println("wondrous Square:"); } if(f==0) { int g=0,k; System.out.println("Prime No.\t Row \t Index:"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { for(k=1;k<p[i][j];k++) { if(p[i][j]%k==0) { g++; } } if(g==1) { System.out.println(p[i][j]+"\t"+i+"\t"+j); } g=0; } } } } }

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What is J. P. Morgan's birthday?

J. P. Morgan was born on April 17, 1837.

When was J. P. Morgan born?

J. P. Morgan was born on April 17, 1837.

When was June P. - J. P. - Morgan born?

June P. - J. P. - Morgan was born on 1917-07-12.

When did June P. - J. P. - Morgan die?

June P. - J. P. - Morgan died on 1998-09-28.

What has the author J P Morgan written?

J P. Morgan has written: 'House of Lords and the Labour governement, 1964-70'

What is the symbol for J P Morgan Chase and Co in the NYSE?

The symbol for J P Morgan Chase & Co in the NYSE is: JPM.

What did JP Morgan do for a living?

J. P. Morgan was a banker and financier.

What was J P Morgan personality?

He was boss

When did J. P. Morgan die?

Morgan died in his sleep of natural causes.

Who was a wealthy American financier?

J. P. Morgan

Where is J P Morgan bank in Bangalore?


does j p morgan have a bank in the country ukraine?
