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Keep a fire going.

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Jack in "Lord of the Flies" doesn't feel the need to be civilized or adhere to rules and order. He becomes increasingly savage and embraces violence and power over rationality and cooperation throughout the novel.

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Q: Jack in the Lord of the Flies doesn't feel the need to be what?
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Jack in lord of the flies doesn't feel the need to be what?


In lord of flies How do other characters feel about jack?

The other characters in "Lord of the Flies" have mixed feelings about Jack. Some are drawn to his charisma and leadership qualities, while others are wary of his aggressive and power-hungry nature. As the story progresses, Jack's character becomes increasingly tyrannical, leading to a rift among the boys and escalating conflict on the island.

What does ralph do to make jack feel better and what is compromised?

In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph tries to make Jack feel better about losing the leadership role to him by allowing him to be in charge of the Choir Boys. Ultimately, this is a mistake, because it immediately separated boys who would loyal to Jack rather than him in the group.

Lord of the Flies why does the narrator say that the mask compels the twins to follow Jack?

they are different people when they wear the masks. they feel more primitive, when they see jack in the mask they see a different boy one who is strong and savage

How does jack feel about the conch shell in lord of the flies chapter 6?

In Chapter 6 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack grows increasingly resentful of Ralph's authority symbolized by the conch shell, which he sees as a hindrance to his desire for power. Jack becomes more focused on instigating rebellion and challenging Ralph's leadership, leading to a break in their relationship and a shift in power dynamics within the group.

What do the boys feel about Jack's departure in Lord of the Flies?

The boys feel a sense of loss and uncertainty after Jack's departure in "Lord of the Flies." Some may feel relieved by his absence due to his aggressive and controlling behaviour, while others may miss his leadership and strength. Overall, Jack's departure creates a power vacuum and leaves the boys questioning the future of their group dynamics.

Why is Jack so excited when he first rejoins the boys in chapter 4 of 'Lord of the Flies'?

Jack is excited because he has successfully killed a pig for the first time, feeling a sense of power and accomplishment. This achievement helps him feel more connected to the savage impulses within himself and the group, symbolizing a shift towards his desire for dominance and control over the others.

What did Simon feel when he gave piggy the piece of meat in lord of the flies?

He felt shame

Why should you feel bad about Simon in Lord of the Flies?

Simon was a pure, good-hearted character who just wanted to help others. He was brave, and passionate. He was the "Christ Figure" in Lord of the Flies. But he was murdered.

How does Ralph feel about Jack's compulsion in chapter 3?

In chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is frustrated and concerned about Jack's obsession with hunting rather than focusing on building shelters and maintaining the signal fire. Ralph sees it as a distraction from the group's collective goal of being rescued.

In the lord of the flies Why does Jack form his own group?

because he does not feel ralphs methods of staying with civilization are working. he wants to hunt and have fun, also he is fed up with being ordered to keep the fire alight.

In lord of the flies why didn't jack apologize for letting the fire go out?

Jack does appologise and eventually says "Okay, I'm sorry." Most of the boys think that this is a very big thing and feel that his apology puts everything straight and that's the end of the issue. Ralph on the other hand feels that Jack has cheated in someway and that just saying "I'm sorry" is not sufficient and doesn't alter the fact that Jack avoided his responsiblities.