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Q: Jack tries to place magnets on his refrigerator at home but they won and rsquot stick. What could be the reason?
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Can magnets be put on a stainless steel refrigerator?

Magnets could be put on a stainless steel refrigerator as even non-magnet items would be able to become attached, especially with the modernday invention of tape.

What is atracted to magnets?

Well it would have to be something that also has magnetic properties. Remember that similar poles/charges repel and opposites attract. So as far as what would be attracted by a magnetic force, I would say anything that is metal and has magnetic properties.

How could you increase a magnet's power without using electricity?

By rubbing two magnets together.

Is a refrigerator an insulator?

No, a refrigerator is a type of heat pump, it takes heat out of the inside and rejects it to a heat exchanger on the back. I don't see how it could be called an insulator

Can magnets be made?

The metal must be able to conduct an electromagnetic charge.The most common types of metal that can conduct the charge are, Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel.Now there are places in the world that naturally have good sources of electromagnetic energy. However there are plenty of machines that provide the same benefit.Have you ever wondered why you can put magnets onto your refrigerator? Even if your refrigerator is mostly made of plastic and/or foam, it somehow produces enough energy to attract a magnet. The iron coils in the back emit electromagnetic energy, that distributes around the entire fridge, allowing magnets to stick on like magic.Magnets have two poles, positive energy, and negative energy. Or (going back to science class) Electrons and Protons of atoms. When a piece of iron is exposed to a high percentage of electromagnetic energy the electrons and protons will become charged.In order to craft a magnet, a piece of iron, cobalt or nickel could simply be hit by a bolt of lightning, or shocked from a generator.However be very careful when creating a magnet. If it is done in a hazardous fashion the magnet could create explosions or malfunctioning of electrical equipment. Magnets can destroy computers, and even devastate telephone transformers. Magnets can also screw with radio signals or compasses and make them malfunction.If you are curious as to where you can find magnets in everyday life here are a few things engineers and scientists use magnets for today:The Superman extreme roller coaster uses magnets to pull the train to give it a strong enough acceleration boost to complete the track.A famous monorail in Japan was the first to use magnets as a clean source of energy to get it smoothly through the city. The magnets are used much like The Superman roller coaster. The magnets are placed on the track and underneath the monorail cars, the forces of the magnets allow the train to literally defy gravity.Another awesome fact about magnets is that our very planet has its own electromagnetic pole. It is the North Pole. Compasses are designed to always point north because the magnet inside was made to pick up electromagnetic charges in the area to show direction.

Related questions

Is placing magnets on the refrigerator door a hazard to health?

no. magnets are good for you, if anything. the only reason it could possibly be harmful is if it contains a toxic substance, such as lead. that is very unlikely.

Can magnets be put on a stainless steel refrigerator?

Magnets could be put on a stainless steel refrigerator as even non-magnet items would be able to become attached, especially with the modernday invention of tape.

Why can't a magnetism hold a science book on a refrigerator?

In theory, it could. Larger magnets have a stronger and wider magnetic field. If we are talking about refrigerator magnets, then one would need a lot of them. Additional Answer If the refrigerator is magnetic and the magnet you are using is sufficiently powerful, it WILL hold your science book on the refrigerator. The issue you are having is based on the size of your magnet relative to the size of your science book. There are trains in Germany and Japan called Maglevs which float above the ground using sufficiently powerful magnets.

What stores sell Chihuahua gifts?

The zazzle store offers chihuahua themed gifts for sale including refrigerator magnets. Alternatively you could shop on the cafepress website for chihuahua themed gifts.

What could one use buzz magnets for?

There are many things that one would be able to use buzz magnets for. Buzz magnets are very powerful magnets that could be used to perform tricks or for hearing the buzzing sound when tossed.

How can YOU use magnets?

You could use magnets to push things like another magnet or you could pull metal things to it.

How could you increase a magnets power without electricity?

By rubbing two magnets together.

What uses a magnet?

Many devices may use of magnets and electromagnets. Audio speakers typically use a permanent magnet, and an electromagnet driven by the stereo amplifier, to attract and repel the speaker 'cone', thereby creating a disturbance in the air, known as sound. Video Cassette Recorders use magnets to encode the information onto the magnetic tape. Hard disk drives also use magnets to encode information on the disk. Each bit of data is magnetized in one direction or the other, representing a 0 or 1. Magnets are used in electric motors and generators, and the list could go on and on.

Where can you buy magnets in America?

Magnets in America could be brought everywhere ..... try the 2 dollar shop

What one reason is NOT contributing to why Harry doesn and rsquot want his uncle to know the truth about the message?

One reason could be that Harry doesn't want to burden his uncle with unnecessary worry or stress. He may feel that his uncle has enough on his plate already and doesn't want to add more to his responsibilities.

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refrigerator not cooling, but freezer is still freezing, what could cause this

How could you use a magnet to find out where North is?

magnets attract