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The Republican party

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Q: Jefferson And Madison formed what political party?
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Witch political party has been around the longest?

The oldest political party is the Democratic Party. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison established it in the 1790s. The Democratic Party formed to oppose the Federalist Party's policies.

Co-founder with Jefferson of the political party opposing the Federalists?

James Madison was the co-founder, along with Thomas Jefferson, of the political party opposing the Federalists, known as the Democratic-Republicans. They formed the party in response to their disagreements with the policies of the Federalist Party, particularly their view of a strong central government. Madison and Jefferson advocated for states' rights and a more limited role for the federal government.

What was the name of the political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and what were the five beliefs of the party?

The name of the political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison was the Democratic-Republican party. The five beliefs were that there should be a limited national government, a fear of rule by one person or a powerful few, strict interpretation of the Constitution, opposition of a national bank, and their economy would be based on farming.

Who was the Co-founder with Jefferson of the political party opposing the federalists?

James Madison

Which political party did James Madison participate in founding in the 1790s?

He was a Democratic-republican. Jefferson and Madison created the Democratic Republican Party to oppose the Federalist Party.

Who was the winning party in the election of 1800?

The Democratic-Republican party, a party formed in alliance with both sides by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in opposition of the newly formed Federalist party.

Who were the members of Jefferson's and Madison' s political party?

Jefferson and Madison created the political party, Democratic/Republican, so that the "common man" could have a say in the government. People like farmers and tradespeople joined this party, while people in the OTHER party, the Federalist Party, were richer people, like lawyers, merchants, manufacturers, and clergy.

What was the predominant political party of the south in the 1800's?

The Democrats. Jackson's Democrats, not Jefferson's.

What political party was James Monroe?

James Monroe's political party was Democratic- Republican. He belonged to the party of Jefferson and Madison which grew up to oppose the Federalists of Adams. Monroe's sedond election was virtually the last of its influence.

Which political party supported states rights in the 1790's?

Democratic-Republican Party formed by Thomas Jefferson

Was James Monroe democrat or Republican?

James Madison's political party affiliation was the "Democratic-Republican Party" a party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Democratic and Republican parties as we know them today did not exist at that time. The Republican Party was started in 1860 when a group split off from the Democratic Party which had changed and evolved from the original Democratic-Republican Party.

What was James Monroe political party affiliation?

Monroe belonged to the Democratic-Republican party, the party of Jefferson and Madison.