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You are mistaken - gravely so.

Witches adopt the number 13 as a parody, mockery and insult to the number that Jesus chose, and not vice versa.

Jesus chose 12 as this number was significant in Jewish theology, and reflected the twelve sons of Jacob, and the twelve tribes of Israel. To show how important the number 12 was to the Jewish psyche, after Judas Iscariot's suicide as a result of his betraying Jesus, the rest of the disciples felt it necessary to choose another disciple to replace him - Matthias.

In addition to the 12, Jesus also had 72 other followers whom he sent out into the surrounding villages to prepare for his visits. Dont forget that 72 is half of 12 times 12 - again a significant number.

The number 13 is believed to be unlucky because 13 people sat down to eat at the Last Supper - the evening when Jesus was betrayed and tried. the next day, a Friday, was the day of execution, and so Friday the 13th became superstitiously unlucky.

However, the custom of having 13 in a coven has no basis in wicca tradition except as a mockery of Christ's own circumstances. And therefore, whatever witches claim to be, whether 'lovely' people or not, they still represent an organisation that is not just anti-Christian, but a mockery the salvation of all humanity by Jesus Christ.

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