

Jesus was sinless so why was he baptised?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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as an example to all people

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Q: Jesus was sinless so why was he baptised?
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Was Jesus baptised and if so by hume?

yes JESUS was baptised by john the baptist

Why is Jesus' baptism important?

We know from The Bible that Jesus was the only human that ever lived that was completely sinless. He did not need to be baptised. But His entire life was an example of how we should live. His baptsism was an example for us. We need baptism and 'rebirth' if we are to be saved.

How did Jesus get John to baptise him?

Jesus Christ walked down to the river Jordan to bathe in the holy water and relieve his sins, John knew of the importance of Jesus and baptised him in the waterAnswer:John recognized Jesus as the one who did not need to repent and be baptised. Rather, John said he needed to be baptised by Jesus (Jesus was sinless). But Jesus insisted that John should baptise Him in order to fulfill all righteousness.

Why did Mary Jesus mother go to the temple for sin offerings following His birth if she was sinless?

she was not sinless. no one was sinless but Jesus Christ

Are you baptised in Jesus name?

Yes I am baptised in the name of Jesus, as a infant.

Why did Jesus traveled to see John?

Though both may have met as very young boys, Christ travelled to see John to be baptised of him. John held the Aaronic Priesthood, so called after Aaron the brother of Moses. Even though Christ was sinless he set the axample for all mankind to be likewise baptised for the remission of their sins.

Who Baptist Jesus and where?

John the baptist Baptised him in a special lake ,but heres an interesting fact, Jesus was only baptised so he could relate to us ,he wasnt baptised because of sins because he had no sins!I'm assuming you meant, "Where was Jesus baptised?" He was baptised by his earthly cousin John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

Was John Baptized by Jesus?

Not really, Im a Protestant. The thing is that we dont baptise infants full stop. This is because infants dont know what theyre doing so youre just getting them wet. Jesus got baptised when he was a grown man so we baptise people when theyre already old enough to know what theyre doing, im 17 and just got baptised. And yes we baptise in water.

What part of the Jordan River was Jesus Christ baptised in?

Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan. (Which today marks the border between Israel and (Trans)Jordan)

Do Jesus and Satan still talk?

No Jesus is sinless and Satan is full of sin , so they can not meet or talk to each other.

Are baptisms only Catholic?

NO. Baptism is from christians a baptist. In the story there was a person who Baptised jesus, so us christians get baptised to be closer to GOD.

In what way is Jesus truly different from us?

Jesus is God. He is and was sinless.