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My cousin was jocund when he got his newe car for his birthday.

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Q: Jocund in a sentence
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Use jocund in a sentence?

The word "jocund" is a synonym of the word "merry. " An example of a sentence using the word "jocund" is "They reunited on Friday and had a jocund celebration through the night. "

How do you use Jocund in a sentence?

She greeted everyone with a jocund smile.

What is a sentence for jocund?

Hey Sorry Man, I was just jocund

What is the sentence of jocund?

The sentence of jocund is "The children's laughter filled the park, creating a jocund atmosphere that brought smiles to everyone's faces."

What is a sentence for the word jocund?

Jocund is an adjective meaning merry or cheerful. Hanging out with my high school friends always results in having a jocund time.

What is a sentence using the word jocund?

Despite the heavy rain, the jocund children happily played outside.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word jocund?

Sure! "The jocund laughter of the children echoed through the park, filling the air with joy and happiness."

How you pronounce jocund?

Jocund is pronounced as "jah-kund."

What is jocund company in daffodils?

Jocund means humorous of merry. A jocund company would be a bunch of friends having fun together. When applied to daffodils, it means that the person found that being in a group of daffodils made him feel good. It brightened up his day just to be there.

What is a jocund in the rest guide?

Jocund basically means happy. So, when applied to the rest guide it means: Having the rest of the contact's stick by visiting the qualified hardy. Hope this helps.

What is the unscrambled word for jundoc?

The anagram is jocund (jovial, cheerful, happy).

Unscramble the letters c-o-d-j-you-n into a word?
