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Q: John Brown maintained that slavery would only be done away with through?
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What was the northern point of view on the Kansas-Nebraska act?

Most Northerners just hoped it would settle the slavery issue through a straight voting decision. But extreme Abolitionists lke John Brown saw it as an opportunity to invade this thinly-populated territory and intimidate the voters.

What was a part of the Crittenden Compromise?

Answer this question… Slavery would be permanently allowed in the South.

Why would southerners support a pro-slavery government if they did not believe in slavery?

Because slavery was the mainstay of the cotton industry.

Why did some abolitionists disagree with browns actions?

Some abolitionists disagreed with John Brown's actions because they were non-violent. They felt that active, armed attempts at abolition would result in active, armed attempts to keep slavery in tact. They feared the outbreak of a Civil War, which is exactly what happened not long after John Brown's raid.

Why was John Brown sometimes called the avenging angel?

John Brown was an white abolitionist (of slavery) during the mid 1800s. He advocated violence, and participated in violence, against the pro-slavery factions, mostly from Missouri, that committed election fraud in the election that determined if Kansas would be a slave state or a free state. That effort culminated in the Pottawatomie Massacre in 1856. Later, he was executed for trying to start a slave insurrection at Harpers Ferry in 1859. The notion of an avenging angel is one of a being that enacts vengeance on the unrighteous. The act of vengeance is often seen as being the death of said unrighteous. So, the term avenging angel can be associated with people that kill others that are seen to be deserving of death due to acts considered evil or anti-society. John Brown advocated for the end of slavery. He took his convictions to a point of violence on many occasions that led to the death of people that espoused the practise of keeping slaves. The era in which John Brown lived was one where violence was common. Killing of others in the name of abolition or slavery was not unusual. Many times the issue of slavery led to heightened emotional outbursts where people would get seriously injured or killed. In that respect, John Brown can be seen as just using the tactics common at the time instead of as a mass murderer that he would be considered now.

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What did John Brown believe would end slavery?

by using violence and killing most of the white men

Did John Brown agree with Garrison's nonviolent approach to ending slavery?

Abolitionist John Brown was a cruel and nearly insane individual. While few now can see that slavery, which he hated was correct, his violent methods and disregard of human life was a disgrace.

Did John Brown believe that every man should be free?

John Brown was a radical abolitionist. He believed slavery was morally wrong, and that he would take any means to end it, including violence and murder. Although its clear that Brown hated slavery, there is no indication that he believed that Blacks were equal to whites.

Why did john brown attack the arsenal Harper's ferry in 1859?

He hoped to inspire a revolution that would end slavery.

Why di john brown attack the arsenal at harpers ferry in 1859?

He hoped to inspire a revolution that would end slavery.

What was Zachary Taylor's challenges?

Slavery was the big issue when Taylor was president. The slave states could see that unless a balance of slave and free states was maintained, that eventually they would be outvoted and slavery would be abolished in all the states. There was also an issue about returning slaves that escaped to free states.

Why do you think john brown decided to dedicate his life to abolition of slavery?

Apparently John Brown was a radical anti slavery abolitionist. He had a wide range of anti slavery contacts including Fredrick Douglas. It seems he was bent on becoming a martyr for the cause in that capturing a Federal weapons depot in Virginia would surely mean a trial for treason.

Why was the south mainly depended on slavery labor?

There really isn't a specific reason 'why' the South depended on slavery labor. They just chose to. Plantations owners knew that keeping their crops maintained would be a lot of work so that's why slave labor came in to place.

What was the earliest attempts to abolish slavery?

One of the early attempts to abolish slavery was the raid at Harper's Ferry. John Brown led a Provisional Army of 19 men to raid the government's weapons supplies and suppliers. John Brown believed that the raid would awaken the people's view on slavery and help abolish it. You can google some more information on him and the raid.

What abolitionist vowed to strike terror in the hearts of-pro slavery people?

The vicious murderer John Brown was a radical abolitionists from New England. He hated slavery as did most of the abolitionists. Most Americans did not favor slavery either, however, unlike Brown they would not become killers in order to end it. After the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, the issue of slavery in the new US Territories, Kansas and Nebraska in particular, allowed for the citizens to vote on the issue of slavery before applying for statehood. In Kansas there was armed conflict between pro and anti-slavery people. John Brown and his sons travelled to Kansas to make a case for anti-slavery. They decided to kill any settlers there in favor of slavery. This they did in a horrible way. Somehow Brown and his sons escaped prosecution for their crimes. Their terrorist actions resurfaced in Harper's Ferry in Virginia in 1859. There Brown and his sons took over a federal arms depot and tried to start a slave rebellion. The goal was to free slaves and strike fear into the hearts of pro-slavery people. The rebellion failed and Brown was hanged for treason in 1859.

Why would poop come up through the kitchen sink?

If you are on a septic system, then it is plugged and needs to be pumped out and properly maintained.

What do you call a person who is against slavery?

A person opposed to slavery was called an abolitionist. An abolitionist can refer to someone ho supports an end to anything, but was used specifically to refer to those opposing slavery.