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You can basically see them for the same reasons that you see Jupiter itself and our Moon, namely because they reflect light towards us. As they are much smaller than Jupiter, they reflect less light so it is more difficult to see them. You can see Jupiter with the naked eye, but with a good telescope you can also see its moons, spread out in a line around it.

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Q: Jupiter has four bright moons that can be seen by the telescope why can you see them?
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What did gallillao discover by using his telescope?

hediscovered the four moons of Jupiter, (soon named the Galilean moons).

First to see the four moons of Jupiter?

Galileo Galilei, when he trained his new telescope on the sky.

Which planet has the Galilean moons orbiting around it?

Jupiter. The "Galilean" moons are the four largest moons, which are so large that Galileo was able to see them orbiting Jupiter even with his relatively modest telescope.

What two discoveries did Galileo make with the telescope?

He Discovered that Earth was not the center of the solar system , Jupiter Has four moons and Venus has light and dark phases, like a moon! He also discovered the rings of Saturn. All this using just one telescope? Galileo didn't invent the telescope, but he was the first person we know of to point a telescope into the skies - and discovered that Jupiter wasn't just a bright light in the sky, but was an enormous planet with moons of its own. The four largest are called the "Galilean" moons; Ganymede, Europa, Callisto and Io.

Can callisto be seen from earth with a telescope?

Yes, all four of Jupiter's large moons can be seen with binoculars.

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Callisto is the furthest out of Jupiter's four large moons discovered by Galileo. It can be seen next to Jupiter with a small telescope.

What is so significant about the galilean moons?

They're fairly big for moons, although Jupiter itself is big. The four "Galilean" moons of Jupiter were the first "moons" other than our own Moon to be seen, by Galileo using his new telescope.

Who discovered the four moons circling Jupiter?

Hans Lippershey invented the telescope, but Galileo Galilei improved it for astronamy. Galileo was the one who discovered four moons of Jupiter, The names of the moons are Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede. Although Jupiter has over 60 moons those are the first 4 identified because hey are the largest.

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Jupiter has about 63 moons, but the four main moons of Jupiter are Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Io.

What 2 discoveries Galileo make using a telescope?

He discovered that Saturn has rings and he discovered Jupiter's four largest moons.

What are Jupiter's four big moons named?

The four largest moons of Jupiter are called the Galilean satellites, because they were discovered by Galileo when he first observed Jupiter with a telescope. Their names are: * Io * Europa * Callisto * Ganymede

Which planet has a moon named Europa and named after Galileo?

The Galilean moons were named after their discoverer, Galileo Galilei. The moons (plural) that he found are the four largest satellites of Jupiter, Io, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa.