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Q: Keep prune juice refrigerated
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Is it okay to keep bottled orange juice at room temperature?

It will sour unless refrigerated.

Is juice still good if left out after refrigerated?

If they are fresh-squeezed or are labeled 'keep refrigerated', then they should be refrigerated. For juices that have been refrigerated that are not required to be refrigerated, as long as the seals remain intact they could be removed from the cooler for storage elsewhere.

How do you open Nikola Tesla's cabin?

You go to the Porter's cabin and get the spare uniform. Then knock on the door and keep pouring prune juice.

Does salmon spoil if it's refrigerated in lemon juice for 24 hours?

No, that is the proper method for marinating fish. You need to keep fresh fish refrigerated until you are ready to cook it.

Can prunes spoil?

Prunes and all fruit, can spoil depending on a variety of conditions which include: 1. High levels of humidity contribute to the growth of molds and bacteria, even on dried fruits. 2. If the fruit wasn't thoroughly dried. 3. If the fruit wasn't treating with a preservative as part of the drying process. If you live in a humid area and your fruit has not been treated with anything, it is recommended that you store the prunes in the refrigerator.

How long can you keep brown eggs refrigerated?

You can keep brown eggs refrigerated for at least 2-4 days.

Do canned drinks come on a refrigerated truck?

Canned drinks do not need to be delivered on a refrigerated truck, unless they are labeled "keep refrigerated".

What temp is ok to keep yogurt in?

It is best to keep your yoghurt refrigerated.

How do you prune a houseplant?

just cut the dead leaves and prune all the ones that hang over a lot Edited answer; To keep this is shape and also to rejuvinate itsgrowth

Why do people put apples in the refrigerator?

Apples generally keep longer if refrigerated. When not refrigerated, they will turn dry and mealy faster.

Do the fruit blackberries need to be refrigerated?

If you plan to use them right away, then don't. If you want to keep them longer, then they should be refrigerated.

Why is it important to keep eggs refrigerated?

so they dont get rotten