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Topsoil, Earth soil, and Bedrock. Plants grow in Topsoil. Any herbivore eats plants.

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Q: Kinds of soil and which plants they grow and which animals eat the plants?
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Why land animals including meat eaters depend on soil?

Plants need soil to grow. Animals either eat plants, or eat animals that ate plants. No soil, no food.

What kinds of plants don't need soil to grow?

Lots don't.

Why do animals and humans need soil?

they are called soil animals because they like the natural coolness that the soil provides for them

Why is soil a valuable?

Plants depend on soil to live and grow, Humans & Animals depend on those plants.

What will happens if there is no soil on earth?

we would not have any food because plants need soil to grow and as animals need plants to grow

What do animals need plants don't?

Plants obviously need soil to grow and animals doesn't need soil, they need food and water

Why is animals important in soil?

their bodies decompose and enrich the soil so that plants can grow

What happens to dead plants and animals in the soil?

Dead plants and animals in the soil decompose, leaving the nutrients in the soil so that new plants can be nourished and grow, thus maintaining the cycle of life.

What is soil and why is it so valuable?

soil is the upper layer of earth in which plants grow. it is so important because it is a habitat for animals and it helps plants grow

Why do plants and animals need soil?

because all the people need it and in it grow the plants

Can plans grow without soil?

Yes. There are kinds of plants/trees that grow in only water. **Your Welcome!**

What kinds of life does soil contain soil?

It contains animals, such as worms, insects, and small mammals, and plants.