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amplification of input signal.

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Why wattmeter shows negative reading during no load condition of 3phase ac induction motor?

no load means the motor is acting like a coil

What is multihop communication?

Generally, the multi-hop communication means the nodes within the network can able to communicate with the help of two or more nodes, which are acting as the relay nodes, between the source and destination node.

How can you get negative voltage?

Your question should read "How do you get a negative potential?", for the reasons explained below.The term, 'voltage', is another word for 'potential difference'. The terms 'positive' and 'negative', when applied to a potential difference or voltage indicates the sense (or direction) in which the potential difference or voltage is acting. For example, if a second voltage is acting in the same direction as another voltage then it is acting in the positive sense; if it is acting in the opposite direction then in is acting in the negative sense'.It's very important to understand that you cannot apply 'positive' and 'negative' is the sense of charge or polarity to potential difference or voltage. You can, however, apply these terms to 'potential'. Potential is relative, and always measured with respect to a given point (often, the earth). So a point can be, for example, +5 V or -5 V with respect to another point (usually earth or ground, but not necessarily).Never confuse 'potential' with 'potential difference' and remember that 'voltage' means potential difference notpotential.So, to obtain a negative potential, earth (ground) the positive terminal of the battery or d.c. supply. All potentials measured relative to earth are now negative. To obtain a positive potential, earth the negative terminal of the battery or d.c. supply instead. All potentials measured relative to earth are now positive.If you want to get a negative potential,Earth the positive terminal of the DC power sourceConnect a resistor in series with the negative terminal of the sourceAt the other end of the resistor you get a negative potential (the value's less than the value of the power supply)

Does a current carrying conductor act as an antenna?

Essentially yes, this is the reason why many electronic cables are surrounded by a metal mesh. This mesh acts as a Faraday cage and helps prevents the wires inside it from acting as an antenna and picking up unwanted noise.

Principle of transmissibility?

The principle of transmissibily states that the the conditions of equilibrium(uniform mothion) of a rigid body will remain unchanged if a force acting at a given point of the rigid body is tansmitted along its line of action to another point with the same magnitude and same direction.

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What is the present tense of act?

acting, is acting, I am acting, he/she is acting, they are acting

Metal will do what to microwaves?

Metal in the form of a flat panel like a piece of aluminum foil reflects microwave energy. In the form of wire, metal will react to the microwave by setting up small electrical currents within it. The metal wire is acting as an antenna in this case. Note that if we crumple foil up, it could act as an antenna and create an electrical arc. This is one of the hazards of using foil in a microwave oven. Though there is another question that deals with this here on WikiAnswers, we'll remind you that foil in a microwave oven is generally something to avoid. It is possible to use foil in the oven, but only if the manufacturer's instructions are followed. Anything else is gambling.

What kind of acting is there?

good acting and bad acting

What is the abbreviation for acting as in acting director?

acting head

What is impromptu acting?

Impromptu acting is acting at the spur of the moment.

What was Medieval acting like?

Medieval acting was similar to acting today.

Is action acting is more subtle than dramatic acting?

Action acting is just a form of acting that can be used for any acting style such as a drama or comedy.

Is he acting?

Question is, who is it that you are talking about. Then we can answer if "he" is acting

What are the characteristics of acting?

Сharacteristics of acting-out.

What is the acceleration of softball if it has a mass of 0.5 kg and hits the catcher's glove with a force of Newton's?

To find the acceleration of the softball, you would need to know the net force acting on it and its mass. If the force is given in Newtons, you can divide it by the mass of the softball in kilograms to find the acceleration in m/s^2.

How old was cariba heine when she started acting?

She was at acting school. And became famous for acting.

What is screen acting?

Acting in a movie, as opposed to acting on a stage before a live audience,