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Progesterone & Estrogen

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Q: Lack of this causes blood vessels to kink and the endometrium to slough off?
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What is Angiotensin I?

It causes narrowing of the small blood vessels in tissues, resulting in an increase in blood pressure

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What is the effect of histamine on small as well as large blood vessels?

Histamine causes the dilation of the small blood vessels while constrict the large blood vessels.

How does your pulse beat?

When the heart beats it causes blood to flow through the blood vessels which causes them to expand. This expansion can be felt by touching the vessels that are close to the skin.

Damage to the small blood vessels can cause what to occur?

The organism not only damages the blood vessels by causing them to leak, but also causes clotting inside the vessels.

Does banding of blood vessels causes nervers disorders?

its possible.

What causes blood vessels to burst in the neck and shoulders?


What causes broken blood vessels?

Suddenly angry and hypertension.

How alcohol affects blood vessels?

Long term alcohol use causes the blood vessels to become more fragile and prone to rupture. Alcoholics have a much higher risk of stroke, aneurysms esophageal varicies and bleeding disorders.

What causes insect bites to sting?

Blood vessels will expand to keep the bite from bleeding. This expansion of blood vessels can irritate nerves that are nearby which causes the insect bites to sting and/or itch.

Choose the correct answer.What causes blood to flow through the heart?

the blood vessels

What poison causes heart attack?

How about cocaine. It causes vaso-constriction of blood vessels in your body including vessels in your heart, which can result in a heart attack.