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Depending on the circumstances for the wisdom teeth (reason for removal, location of the teeth prior to extraction, age of the patient when removed) could mean different things for the concern you are having. Recent extraction could sometimes have "bone spurs" working their way out almost causing a sliver in your finger effect. If the wisdom tooth was impacted and deteriated the bone behind the second molar, the bone "defect" could be present causing an area to possibly abscess around the back side or distal of the second molar. Sometimes the most logical explanation is that a popcorn hull or something foreign gets in the gum tissue behind the second molar causing an inflammatory response in the tissue. Recommend keeping the area clean, if a problem persists and it get more painful, see your dentist for a x-ray and evaluation.

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Q: Large bump in my gum between the second last molar and the tooth before it. It is painful when I push on it. I have had my wisdom teeth pulled out. Does anyone know what it is?
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