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K (potassium) would have the largest atomic radius out of the elements given because it is located in the lower left corner of the Periodic Table. As you move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic radius increases due to the addition of more electron shells.

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Q: Largest atomic radius out of Ca Na Fe Al and k?
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Smallest to largest atomic radius PotassiumMagnesiumCalciumRubidium?

Rubidium has the largest atomic radius, followed by potassium, calcium, and then magnesium. This trend is due to an increase in the number of electron shells and shielding effects as you move down the periodic table from potassium to rubidium.

Which has the larger radius Ca or Kr?

Ca has a larger atomic radius compared to Kr. This is because atomic radius tends to increase as you move down a group on the periodic table, so Ca, being in Group 2, has a larger atomic radius than Kr, which is in Group 18.

What has a larger atomic radius Cl ion or Ca ion?

The Cl ion has a larger atomic radius than the Ca ion. This is because when ions form, they gain or lose electrons, resulting in a change in the electron configuration and therefore the atomic radius. The Cl ion gains an electron, leading to increased electron-electron repulsion and a larger atomic radius.

What species has the smallest atomic radius between Kor Mg orRb or Ca?

The species with the smallest atomic radius among K, Mg, Rb, and Ca is Rb (Rubidium). This is because atomic radius tends to decrease across a period from left to right in the periodic table, and Rb is located towards the right side of this group of elements.

Which element between calcium potassium scandium and titanium has the smallest atomic radius?

The element with the smallest atomic radius among calcium, potassium, scandium, and titanium is titanium. Atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period in the periodic table, and titanium is located towards the right side of the group mentioned.

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Smallest to largest atomic radius PotassiumMagnesiumCalciumRubidium?

Rubidium has the largest atomic radius, followed by potassium, calcium, and then magnesium. This trend is due to an increase in the number of electron shells and shielding effects as you move down the periodic table from potassium to rubidium.

Which has the larger radius Ca or Kr?

Ca has a larger atomic radius compared to Kr. This is because atomic radius tends to increase as you move down a group on the periodic table, so Ca, being in Group 2, has a larger atomic radius than Kr, which is in Group 18.

What has a larger atomic radius Cl ion or Ca ion?

The Cl ion has a larger atomic radius than the Ca ion. This is because when ions form, they gain or lose electrons, resulting in a change in the electron configuration and therefore the atomic radius. The Cl ion gains an electron, leading to increased electron-electron repulsion and a larger atomic radius.

What species has the smallest atomic radius between Kor Mg orRb or Ca?

The species with the smallest atomic radius among K, Mg, Rb, and Ca is Rb (Rubidium). This is because atomic radius tends to decrease across a period from left to right in the periodic table, and Rb is located towards the right side of this group of elements.

Which element is the largest K Rb Na Li?

Rb is the largest, Li the smallest in the row above. Group 1 of the periodic table: Fr > Cs > Rb > K > Na > Li > H

Which has the greatest atomic radius K or Ca?

Both atoms have the same van der Waal's radius (2.00) Radii that are not available in either of these publications have RvdW 2.00 A. However, Caesium has a greater covalent radius (1.67) as compared to that of Radon (1.50) See the link for more info.

What elements have a smaller atomic radius than strontium?

Ca, Mg, Be, Fr, Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li, H

Which element between calcium potassium scandium and titanium has the smallest atomic radius?

The element with the smallest atomic radius among calcium, potassium, scandium, and titanium is titanium. Atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period in the periodic table, and titanium is located towards the right side of the group mentioned.

What are the elements from group 2 on the periodic table arranged in order of increasing atomic radius?

The elements in group 2 (alkaline earth metals) arranged in order of increasing atomic radius are Be (Beryllium), Mg (Magnesium), Ca (Calcium), Sr (Strontium), Ba (Barium), and Ra (Radium). The atomic radius increases down the group due to the addition of extra electron shells.

What is the symbol and atomic number element for calcuim?

The symbol for calcium is Ca and its atomic number is 20.

What is the symbol for calcium?

Ca(NO3)2Taken from:

Is ca home to the largest tree in the world?

CA is home to the largest tree in the world.