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Q: Lava and what can cool to become igneous rocks?
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What are rocks that form from the cool lava?

Igneous rocks.

What rocks cool from magma or lava?

magma cools into intrusive igneous rock while lava into extrusive igneous rock

Molten rocks that cool at the earths surface are known as?


How do igneous rocks form?

Igneous rock forms from the cooling of molten material called magma or lava.

Are magma and lava sedimentary rocks?

No. Magma and lava are molten rock. When the cool they form igneous rock.

What kind of rock forms when magma or lava cool and hardens?

Igneous rocks

What happens to magma and lava once they cool and harden?

It becomes igneous rocks>

Is volcanic rock only igneous?

Lava is, by preferred definition, a viscous fluid comprised of molten rock that has reached the surface. In this case, lava is not an igneous rock. However, 'lava' can also refer to the cooled and solidified product of the molten rock. In this case, lava is an igneous rock, formed from the solidification of molten lava.

How do igneous rock become metamorphic rocks?

Metamorphic rocks become igneous rocks by melting from heat and pressure, remnants of which may cool from melt (magma) and become components of igneous rock.

Why does lava cool into?

The minerals in magma form crystals when solidifying, giving igneous rocks their characteristic hardness.

How did the lava cool from hot lava to hard rock?

The minerals in magma form crystals when solidifying, giving igneous rocks their characteristic hardness.

What must happen to lava in order for it to become igneous rock?

it needs to cool down