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The mass of 100 kg falls 4 cm and a collar attached to a bar of 2 cm with a diameter of 3 mm would max out at 1m long. This is a math problem.

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Q: Let a mass of 100kg fall 4 cm on to a collar attached to a bar of steel 2cm diameter 3mm long find the maximum stress setup E 205000n mm2?
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A bell-collar is a strip of leather, put around the neck of animals, to which a bell is attached.

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What is a GPS dog collar?

A GPS dog collar is just a regular collar to which a tracking chip has been attached, so that you can always keep track of where your pet is.

Why did the collar-attached shirt become popular?

Largely due to demobilized World War I veterans who had worn a version of the shirt in the military and found it noticeably more comfortable than its collar-detached alternative.

When a horse is pulling a wagon or carriage in harness what attaches the horse to its transport?

The horse is attached to the vehicle by the traces. The traces come from the collar or breast collar, along the side of the horse and they attach to the vehicle by the heel chains, a short length of chain at the end of each trace. The traces is attached by the heel chains to the singletree on the vehicle.

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Usually, they fit at least one wolf member in a pack with a radio transmitter attached to a collar.

What fashion change in men's shirts took place in 1918?

A new fashion wave swept across the United States in 1918: the soft-collar-attached shirt. During their tour of duty in World War I, many American men became impressed with the relative comfort of the soft-collar-attached khaki army shirt.

What is the meaning of the tab in clergy attire?

Aclerical collar is a piece of clerical clothing. It is a detachable collar that buttons onto a clergy shirt or Rabat (vest), being fastened by two metal studs, one attached at the front and one at the back to hold the collar to the shirt. The collar closes at the back of the neck, presenting a seamless front. It is almost always white; and was originally made with cotton or linen but is often made with plastic now. Sometimes (especially in Roman Catholic practice) it is attached with a "collaret" or "collarino" that covers the white collar almost completely, except for the top edge and a small white square at the base of the throat, to mimic the collar of a cassock. Sometimes the collar is black (or whatever color is appropriate to the rank of the clergyman), with only a detachable tab of white in the front.

Why is the vicars collar a dog collar?

The collar that vicars wear is a clerical collar, not a dog collar. Dog collar is just a crude nickname. The clerical collar is also sometimes referred to as a Roman collar.

Is it el collar or la collar in spanish?

"Collar" is masculine, so it is "el collar".

What would be the use of a pet camera?

A pet camera is a small digital video camera which is attached to an animals collar. This gives the owner an insight into what the animal does when the owner is not around.