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If you can see the light reflected, then it has hit your eyes, and your brain is processing it as the sense of sight, if you cannot see it, then it has reflected somewhere other than your eyes-IE; back into space, or it is a wavelength of light that the human eye cannot detect.

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Q: Light that hits solid surfaces is reflected back were?
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How will light hitting a solid surface be reflected back?

when a light ray is thrown on a PLANE surface two things occur which cause light to reflect 1- the incident ray is equal to the reflected ray 1- the incident ray , the reflected ray and the normal, at the point of incidence, all lie at the same plane

Why the color of crumpled plastic white?

The color of crumpled plastic is white because it reflects light of all wavelengths in the visable range. Light is reflected from a reflective surface at approximately 2 precent of the total light shining on it. When there is a second reflective surface beneath it light is also reflected but if both photons are in the same phase then the square of the total from both surfaces is reflested back ie. 16 percent, if they are out of phase they cancel out and no light is reflected. So when several reflective surfaces are layerd most of the light is reflected. If it is illuminated by white light then white light will be reflected.

Why does something shiny stop heat radiation?

Types of light energy are reflected off of shiny surfaces back into the atmosphere. Other surfaces, such as darker ones, absorb the light energy and heat up much quicker.

Why are image reflected from a rough surface not as clear as those reflected from a smooth surface?

Some light that falls on any surface is scattered back (reflected). A rough surface tends to scatter the light in different directions while a smooth surface tends to scatter more of the original (incident) rays straight back. This explains why a smooth surface reflects a "clearer" image than that reflected from a rough surface.

What is the bouncing back of a ray of light sound or heat when the ray hits a surface that is does not go through?

We call that "bouncing back" a reflection. Heat in the form of infrared (IR) radiation is like light, and light and sound are said to be reflected off surfaces that do not absorb them.

Why light can be reflected?

Light can be reflected because it travels in rays and bounces back off of many surfaces or is refracted through them. Some surfaces seem to reflect better than others because they are more smooth, so the light rays bounce beck in a straight line or parallel to each other instead of bouncing in many different directions and scattering so that an image is no longer visible.

What happens to the colors of white light when it hits opaque colored surfaces?

any colors that are not part of the color of the object are absorbed by the object. light of the colors that do make up the color of the object are reflected back to your eyes.

When light bounces back at the same in which it hit an object?

When light hits an object/surface, it's either reflected, absorbed, or refracted. For light to bounce back, the reflection has to be "specular", like a mirror. So the light bounces back with the same(reflected) image. For light to be reflected back at the source. The light has to hit perpendicular to the surface, which is 90°.

Does light bounce back if reflected?

yes it does

When light is reflected from the surface it is?

It is reflected and sent back into the atmosphere. Sometimes it is absorbed by clouds.

The bouncing back of a ray of light?

Reflected. Fran

Sound energy that passes through a solid is said to be reflected?

Sound energy that pass through a solid is said to be reflected because as sound waves pass from air to a solid, some of the energy is reflected back into the air. Some of the energy will be absorbed by the new medium.