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A cloture can be invoked by a 2/3 vote in the Senate to end a filibuster.

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Q: Limit senators speaking time
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Can US senators be re-elected more then one time?

US Senators serve six year terms. There is no limit on how many terms they can serve. It is common for senators to serve for multiple terms.

What is a cloture?

A procedure used in the senate to limit debate on a bill

How many time may a senator re elected?

As many times as they are re-elected. The people decide when they should no longer serve, but until then, as long as they want to. There is no limit.

What limits senators speaking time?

This would be a cloture procedure. In the United States, for example, a 2/3 vote of the Senate can invoke a cloture, thus ending a filibuster.

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There is no time limit on a filibuster.

What describes a cloture rule?

The cloture rule is a way to end a filibuster in Congress. A minimum of 16 senators must sign the petition and three-fifths of the Senate must vote to pass it.

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There is no time limit on Pokemon games.

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No time limit

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There is no limit.

Who elect senators now?

The registered voters of each state elect the senators for their state. At one time, senators were elected by state legislation.

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There is no time limit. If it's adultery, it's adultery.