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Q: Links between heart and breathing rate and respiration during excercise?
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Who is involved during respiration?


Name three activities of an organism that requires energy?

A lot of movement, breathing, and lot of digesting

Which function would be performed durning respiration in a plant but not in a human?

There are a few functions that are performed during respiration in a plant but not in a human. One of these functions is breathing out oxygen.

What are the differences between breathing and respiration?

Breathing is the process in which living organisms take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.Respiration is the process in which the glucose is burnt in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy .Breathing takes place outside the bodyRespiration takes place inside the bodyDuring breathing we only take air in through our nose and breathe it out.But during respiration the breaking down of food in the presence of oxygen takes place.

Explain the difference between breathing and respiration?

Breathing brings in oxygen, which is usually necessary for cellular respiration, in your lungs. Holt Science Book Respiration is the release of energy from food, usually sugar. It is a chemical reaction which takes place inside all living cells. Breathing is the process by which air is drawn into and out of the lungs. When air is in the lungs, oxygen is taken into the body. The oxygen is then used during respiration to 'burn' the food, releasing its energy. When food burns, it produces waste carbon dioxide. This CO2 is passed out of the body from the lungs when we breathe out. So, respiration and breathing are connected, but they are not the same thing. Unfortunately, some people do still use the two words to mean the same thing. Also, the breathing system is also called the respiratory system. Just to make it worse, giving someone a kiss is called artificial respiration, instead of artificial breathing! Breathing is sometimes divided into two stages: ventilation (the movement of air in and out of the lungs) and gas exchange (the absorption of oxygen from the lungs and the release of CO2 into the lungs). One last complication: breathing is sometimes called 'external' respiration, and respiration is sometimes called 'internal' or 'cellular' respiration, there is also aerobic and unaerobic respiration... See:

What is the link between respiration and photosynthesis?

the carbon dioxide emitted during respiration is used in photosynthesis

How respiration is affected at high altitudes during space travel and under water?

High altitude affects respiration because there is less oxygen in the air. Because of this, more and stronger breathing is needed to supply oxygen to the bloodstream.

What is the importance of oxygen during cellular respiration process?

It will stop so the body cells would die. that's why we can not live with out oxygen.

What s the difference between rescue breathing and CPR?

During CPR, the chest compressions are applied; during rescue breathing there are no chest compressions used.

How does the mechanoreceptor reflex effect breathing?

The mechanoreceptor reflex is composed of the inflation reflex and the deflation reflex. The inflation reflex limits the duration of inspiration in response to stretching the walls of the lungs. The deflation reflex stimulates inspiration when the lungs are collapsed. Mechanoreceptor reflexes are insignificant during quiet respiration but they are very important during forced respiration. The mechanoreceptor reflex makes sure your brain knows when to stop breathing and start breathing, basically.

What is the part of the human central nervous system that controls breathing?

Primarily breathing is controlled by the diaphragm but the intercostals betwen the ribs are also invilved especially during forced respiration.

What is carbon dioxide produced from?

combustion and cellular respiration