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1-The earths population is way way way higher than it was in the ice ages

2-Damage will cost in the billions

3-Million to billions of lives will be lost due to rising sea levels and radiation.

4-Numerous species will become extinct

5-Vegetation will die off

6-The world will never be the same!

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Q: List as many reasons as you can why the present global warming will change the environment much more than did the ice ages?
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What is a envirment changes mean?

They are changes in the environment. ex.- global warming. the change is the earth, being the environment, warming, the warmth being the change. Hope it was helpful!

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global warming>>>drought, extinction

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No. Water pollution damages the environment, destroys marine animals and fish as well as their habitats, but it probably separate from climate change. Global warming will change the climate.

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A warming change in weather patterns is GLOBAL WARMING. It can be caused by ozone depletion.

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Is global warming a cause or a effect of climate change?

Global warming is the cause of climate change.Climate change is the result of global warming.