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I have no idea. I have to answer it for my science prep and i don't understand it !!

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Q: List in order in which the enzymes start working and where in the digestive system they work?
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How are the digestive and circulatory systems linked?


What is the purpose of digestive enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecules into smaller building blocks. This is done in order to help facilitate their absorption by the body.

Why is it important for the digestive system to build and replace cells and tissues?

The digestive system uses a lot of enzymes, especially in the stomach. The presence of hydrochloric acid is one of the main contributers to stomach acidity. This causes the mucosal lining to degenerate, so the digestive system needs to rebuild cells in order to protect itself.

Taking digestive enzymes in long period does it harm the body?

In order to correct my eczema is to take digestive enzymes suppliement. I would like know if I take the digestive enzymes in everyday after each meal. How does it effect my body? ( especially my stomach) I know I do weak digestion system. Pls forward me the infor so that I know how much I should take it or take it when I needed. My email address is Thanks, Frances

What organisms that secrete digestive enzymes externally to digest dead organic food are called?

Saprotrophic bacteria and fungi secrete digestive enzymes into dead organic matter in order to decompose it, and recycle it's nutrients (such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous)

Why does digestion take place in specialized compartments?

To avoid self-digestion, so the digestive enzymes will not be abble to reach the body cells which will be very harmfull for those cells. the simplest digestive compartmwnts are the food vacuoles.

Which two systems work with the nervous system in order to maintain homeostasis?

muscular system, endocrine system, and digestive system. :)

The pancreas is part of what system in the body?

The pancreas is a part of the endocrine system and the exocrine system. Glucagon and insulin are secreted by the endocrine part in order to regulate glucose concentrations in the blood.On the other hand, the exocrine portion secretes enzymes into the small intestine to neutralize the acidic chyme and for digesting carbohydrates, fats , and proteins.

What are some examples of the digestive muscle?

The digestive system comprises of organs that work together in order to ensure that food is properly processed through the body. Examples of such organs include the stomach and the intestines.

What system is responsible for the process of reducing food to small molecules in order for it to be absorbed?


How does saliva amylase and catalase and lactase help your body?

Your digestive system breaks down nutrients you consume in food in order for your body to be able to use it. After you break food into small pieces by chewing it, enzymes (amylase, catalase and lactase) act on it to finalize the process.

Do the digestive and circulatory system interact?

The digestive system absorbs nutrients from the food and these nutrients are carried to their eventual targets (liver, muscle and fat tissue) within the circulatory system. Digestion requires that the body redirect blood flow towards the digestive system in order to adequately handle the metabolic needs of digestion as well.