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Q: List the following events in the correct chronological order. The proclamation line was set. The Boston Massacre occurred. The Townshend Acts were passed.?
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What is a list of the following events in the correct chronological order.?

The correct answer is: the French and Indian War ended, the Townshed Acts were passed, and the Boston Massacre.

What happened before the Boston massacre?

It was the Townshend Acts That created the Massacre.

What happened before Boston massacre?

It was the Townshend Acts That created the Massacre.

What incident led parliament to withdraw nearly all of the townshend acts?

The Boston Massacre

What incident lead Parliament to withdraw nearly all of the Townshend acts?

The Boston Massacre in 1770 prompted Parliament to repeal most of the Townshend acts except for the tax on tea.

What acts were passed because of the Boston massacre?

Parts of the townshend acts were repealed after the Boston massacre but the tax on tea was still in effect which eventually led to the Boston tea party

What were the chronological steps to US Independence?

*George III crowned 1760 *The Proclamation of 1763 *The Sugar and Stamp Acts 1764-1765 *The Townshend Acts 1767 *The Boston Massacre 1770 *The Intolerable Acts 1773 *The American Revolutionary War begins 1775 *The Declaration of Independence 1776 *The Treaty of Paris 1783

What incident led Parliament to withdraw nearly all of Townshend acts?

The Boston Massacre

Which of the following puts the events in the correct chronological order Boston Tea Party boston massacre coercive acts stamp act?

Stamp Act (1765), Boston Massacre (1770), Boston Tea Party (1773), and Coercive Acts (1774)

What was the effect Britain passed the townshend acts?

The Colonies boycotted English goods.

What act by customes officers began a series of events that led to the Boston massacre?

Townshend Acts

What act by a custom officers began a series of events that led to the Boston massacre?

The Townshend Acts, a series of acts passed, beginning in 1767 were the acts that eventually led to the Boston Massacre. Anger over the Townshend Acts led to the occupation of Boston by British troops in 1768, which eventually resulted in the Boston Massacre of 1770.