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-Like all cells, they require blood supply in order to obtain needed oxygen and other nutrients..

-They contain a nucleus that hold genetic information.

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Q: List three ways in which neurones are similar to other cells?
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Use the three points of the cell theory to explain how humans and bacteria are similar.?

*there are made of cells *there the basic unite of structure and function *there are cells produced from other cells

Use the three point of the cell theory to explain how humans and bacteria are similar?

*there are made of cells *there the basic unite of structure and function *there are cells produced from other cells

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It is one of the three ideas that make up the cell theory.

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Hemocytoblasts, or sometimes also called pluripotent stem cells.

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The three assumptions of cell theory are 1: All cells form from other cells 2: A cell is the basic unit of life 3: All organisms are mad up of cells

What are three assumptions of the cell theory?

The three assumptions of cell theory are 1: All cells form from other cells 2: A cell is the basic unit of life 3: All organisms are mad up of cells